Websites for when you're bored?

I’m bored, lol. An why websites I can go on?

Answer #1

When I’m bored on the net… It’s:

MySpace, Youtube, Funadvice, Wikipedia, usually in that order.

If you use firefox, they’ve come up with a really cool addon for it. It’s called “StumbleUpon.” You download the addon, choose topics that interest you, and when you’re bored you just click the “stumble!” icon on the browser, and it takes you to a random webapge that matches one of your interests.

Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Come to Fun Advice and go to the unanswered questions link and, starting with the oldest questions (the highest page number), try to answer some of the questions. If some of them make you do a little online research you will be kept busy so you won’t be bored and you may even learn a lot.

  Unanswered questions

Answer #3

eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay eBay

did I mention eBay lol!

Answer #4

XUQA.COM & Youtube-seatch for “girl goes crazy on train” It’ll keep ya going!

Answer #5

Answer #6


Answer #7


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