Fight with friend

my friend and I had this really big fight, and we’re really mad at each other. she knows practically all my secrets and is threatening to tell this girl that really hates me. I have tried being nice, but she keeps blaming things on me that I DID NOT do. and so do her parents. what do I do??

Answer #1

OMG the same thing happened to me this year!!! her parrents were listening to our phone conversations and telling her mean things to sat to me! she ended up telling my deepest darkest secretes to 3 people and 2 of which hate me. I was really mad but somehow we are friends?? good luck

Answer #2

I would tell her how you feel and tell your parents or teacher… like an adult. I had the same problem and telling an adult got her in huge trouble =D

Answer #3

about the parents, well, she thinks that im mad at her for her parents telling my parents some stuff I was doing at a party. well, im not, because I dont care, they didnt tell my parents anything they didnt know. :D but her parents think im mad too. and apperently someone came and ruined their flower garden, they blamed it on me. and before the school year ended, they kept calling me down to the office because she keeps blaming these messages on me. I almost got suspended because I kept getting called down :C gosh, it wasnt fair.. what do I do to just not make her tell those secrets?

Answer #4

A friend looks after your best interests - she’s no friend.

Answer #5

I thought of that but I dont know as good of secrets about her. and I think she did that on purpose because I know she has a LOT of secrets. and we have gotten in fights before. I dont care if she’s my friend. I just dont want her to tell my secrets!!!

Answer #6

This girl has no life and she shouldnt be doing that to you. but another thing is you can say your really sorry and want to move on… and that telling secrets isnt going to change anything for the better…

Answer #7

hey good idea!!! :DD

Answer #8

You clearly dont deserve that… but maybe you should beg!

Answer #9

STOP being her friend! She’s terrible. Start telling secrets about her!!

Answer #10

Do you know a lot of her secrets? This may sound bad, but blackmail back. If she threatens to tell someone all your secrets, threaten her to tell hers. If you guys are really supposed to be friends, you guys will make up!! if not, then find someone else. It sounds like if she’s putting your rep on the line, she’s not a friend. Because real friends wouldn’t do that. So after you guys both calm down, give her one more chance and if she’s the same, slowly pull away from her.


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