Ok, The HCH or The VCH ??

Which in u.r opinion is better [style, sexual response, pain level] ?? Tryn to choose between the two. :D [I don’t know why they put it in love&relationships, it was supposed to be in another category]

btw: HCH-horizontal clitoral hood piercing VCH-vertical [quote the rest]

Answer #1

HCH all the way

Answer #2

hey thx for actually answering my question mimilee :) lol

Answer #3

I think you should get the horizontal one. I don’t understand too much about clitoral hood piercings but I think it’s less likely do get stuck with your pants. imagine needing to go for a whizz really badly and you rip them off without thinking abt your piercing

Answer #4

WTF..nobody can answer my question huh ?? I have a PHENOMENAL piercer, the BEST in my area, and he’s pierced me MANY times w/ o problems. I don’t need anyone telling me the precautions about anything, I already know them. and btw scortopass89, I don’t know if you were talkn to me, but either way I can assure you that I already knew everything you said, also. like..c’mon now, if you can’t answer my question [which was my reason for asking in the first place], then don’t even post anything.

Answer #5

Actually the HCH and the VCH don’t go through your clit, your just piercing your hood which is the skin that is right above it. So no you would not lose any sensation at all.

Answer #6

I agree, you need to be extremely cautious. My friend got hers done and when she did she said it only felt a liitle bit more pleasurable during oral sex. However, when she was going to the bathroom it caught her panties and tore a little, she lost some feeling and now she really regrets it.

She also said the pain wasnt unbearable. but it did ache quite a bit afterwards.

if youre getting one to enhance your sexual pleasure, I say don’t get it.

but if your getting it cause you like the look, go for it. But you can also look into a christina piercing witch is also a genitsl piercing located on the hood, you can search images on bmezine if you’d like :)

Answer #7

I would be very careful getting your clit pierced. All of my gfs who have had it done say they regret it. They have lost all pleasureable feeling and it gets caught on their panties and jeans and has torn the hood in a few cases.

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