Ohkayyy so I need help noww!

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for six months now, and he wants to finger me. I’ve been telling him to wait and stuff and he’s been fine. But I told him next time we hang out I’ll let him. And we are hanging out tomarrow. I’ve neever been fully fingered before so im really nervouss. Like what do I do while he’s doing it? Lol. Helppp Pleaseee(:

Answer #1

ok. First you need to make sure that you are really to do this.

If you are not ready then your boyfriend should respect you for that. Dont do what you dont want to do.

And if you are sure you want to do this then go for it. Yes of course you are going to be nervous because its your first time. and thats ok.

Good luck

Answer #2

hahahah. well, when I did it, after 6 months too!, we didn’t really discuss it too much, he started to go for it, then asked if it was okay… but during it, we were laying in bed and we just were kissing every now and then while it was going on… wasn’t akward at all… haha you were a little too distracted to be thinking about anything else. now if you want akward, just wait until you want to give him a bj… but we discussed it and he helped me out. it was deffinetly a very funny experience.

Answer #3

Lol, we have talked about me giving him head but I told him I defff wasnt ready for that. hah im pretty ready to be fingered im just afraid ill do somthing wrong? lol I don’t know I freak out a bout a lot of stuff easily. haha


Answer #4

Well, the weird thing is that he’s offering to finger you and not asking you to give him head, but anywayz…I’m sure that all you do is sit back and relax, and let the fingering begin! Of course, you might wanna let him know you enyoy it every once in a while (even if he’s doing a crappy job) and just relax. RELAAAX!

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