Off cocaine gained 20

I used to do a lot of cocaine then I got caught druged tested and failed went to jail I’ve been clean for 4 months and I’ve gained 20 or 25 pounds I was around 120 now im around140 I want to ,lose weight but im diabetic and its hard plus I eat a lot more cus im off coke why do I eat more and how can I lose weight

Answer #1

you’re probably using food as a replacement and as bimjob said that could be your addictive behavior coming out . its a good thing to check with other peeps in recovery in your area (if in fact you r in recovery} ask them what they did wh en they went thru this they probably did replace the behavior with SOMETHING cocaine addiction has no physical protocol for detoxing so coke addiction is considered mental rather than physical with that said understand the obsession with the drug(the mental part) leads to the compulsion to use it(the physical part) when the compulsion follws the obsession well you know the rest ..our minds set the obsession rolloing then we need to use our minds to NOT use breaking the ocd cycle it takes practice and advice from someone whos been there a couple of meetings couldnt hurt never hurt anyone as far as I know good luck and god bless

Answer #2

irris smith is right, you have replaced one addistion for another basically…

if you can give up coke, you can give up eating too much. what kind of diabetes do you have? type 1 or 2?

speak to your diabetic nurse about weight loss tips…sadly, some people, even with type 1, do gain weight and it is difficult to loose weight, you exercise, your sugars drop and you have to eat / drink something sugary…

speak to your diabteic nurse about ways to substitute high fat and sugar content snack to low…there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ carb and sugars, you just need to try and change it…

my hubbys diabetic and he’s started to substitute chocolate (he NEVER gains weight the git!!) for fruits with natural sugars, his cholesterol is really high, so it’s not just about the weight…

but you need to seek proffesional advice, this isn’t just a case of you loosing weight, your normal sugar levels, diet, work, exercise regime etc need to be taken into consideration too…

well done for giving up the coke, being overweight is better than doing that stuff :)

Answer #3

Well it’s because any time you do something like that or say take diet pills and lose a lot of weight then your body has to catch up so you gain back what you lost and then some. To lose weight you need a drug and stimulant free option. FORM would be great for you, it helps you eat less each meal, snack less and feel full fast and for a long time. I lost 7 lbs my first week with this, and when you lose weight this way you aren’t likely to gain it back.

Answer #4

You’re clean, but are you sober living. Join a Narcotics Anonymous group. Get their number from Alcoholics Anonymous. (765) 742-1666‎ in Lafayette

If you don’t get with the program and a sponsor, you will start using again. (Your weight gain is not your main problem. And your addicts brain will drive you back to cocaine if you don’t have help.)

Good Luck!!

Answer #5

go to a gym/fitness center. you will lose weight+ its a good outlet instead of drugs. Take care!

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