
Everyone has something that draws their attention and they love to learn more about. What is yours - (ex: subjects, people, events, sports, etc.)

Mine: I’m obsessed with Elizabeth Bathory, she lived in the late 1500s and early 1600’s. She was known for killing young virgin girls and bathing in their blood to keep yourself looking youthful. She was thought to have killed over 600 young women this way. I’m’ also in love with the Jack the Ripper killings. Mainly because of the causes or death of the vicims and the stangeness behind them and that he has never been caught.

Answer #1

lol. I’m obsessed with serial killers. Have a whole collection of books on them. Like I still want to know how you can eat another person. seriously freaky things. Also I love watching the crime network.

Answer #2

skateboarding, and a few hundred other things my sister actually likes to learn about elizabeth bathory she likes learning about serial killers and people like that

Answer #3

Music, Pete Wentz, the Salem Witch Trials, Trutv.

Answer #4

Twilight, um and writing!

Answer #5


Answer #6

The human body, Counting calories, Psychology, Working out, What goes on in the mind of a serial killer, sex, Wondering why people [mainly ‘teens’] care so much about trends, Writing everything that I think.

Answer #7

Real crime stories - I love watching crime documentaries on TV, not like stupid CSI, I like the ones that aren’t actors. The crime stories I love are about figuring out who killed someone, missing persons cases that end up fatal, etc.

Answer #8

im obssesed with many things ( I think I have OCD :S) if something happens I always obssess over it. But im obssesed with betty boop, being on my computer (and this :) ). And my main obssesion is the wonderfull singer pink :)

Answer #9

Mine obession is John Cena :)

Answer #10


Answer #11

Playing piano :)

Answer #12

Ebay probably my biggest. But I also love anything to do with the first and second world war, especially hitler. x

Answer #13

I have an oncoming obsession with slavery and the Holocaust. but your obsessions seem to be mostly about killers. but I thought I was the only one with these types of obsessions. thanks. =D

Answer #14

my obsession is looking for ASCII art…well when it comes to being on the internet…I love to surf the internet looking for ASCII art like this one..

     _.---.(       ..--._)
 (_.'       `''-.'`      `'.
  /            /            \_)

(| ,.-‘“”‘-,-‘“”‘-.,_ |

  \  /.--'           '--.\  /_)
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 \  (_, (  o)      (  o) /    /
 `--.-`  '-'   c    '-'  `-'-`
   (O\                   (O)
      .-'             '-.
     /   , .--.  .--._   \
    /   / (    \/    )`\  \
   /   / \ \        /   \  \
   \  \   \ |      (    /  /
    `\ `.  \/       \  /\\/
      `.//.'         '-; |
        |/             \/
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     ,_/ _,--,_  __,--,_ \_,
     `--' \    ``|    / '--'
           `.    |===/
             >   |   |
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            |    |   |
            |    Y  /
            \   /  /
             | /| /
     jgs    / / / |
           /=/  |=/
           `"`  `"` 

it doesnt really look that good here but its supposed to be betty boop…


Answer #15

Music, and two guys kissing. That’s hot. Mhm. I’ll look videos up on youtube. Lmao. I’m a freak. I know. xP

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