Nursery ideas?

How would you recommend decorating a nursery, for a baby of unknown sex.

Answer #1

Paint the room a nice neutral yellowish color

Answer #2

it would be best to find out the sex of it first but if you cant you could start by buying some unisex clothes and toys ones that are colourful and have bells and noise makers on them so a bit later on they can play with them probably some teddy bear toys too and you could buy some wall stickers to decorate the walls with

Answer #3

Yellow is a standard unisex colour, although I personally hate yellow, lol. If you are painting the room, don’t pink one solid colour like pink (light blue can go either way really) that may not be suitable when you do find out the baby’s sex. Paint it cream, or white. I agree with using stickers, or even a border of wallpaper with cute things like ducks or other baby animals that all kids like.

Answer #4

Yellow, mint green, and a cream colored orange are good unisex colors. Some themes that can be used for any sex could be jungle/zoo, ocean, teddy bears, space, or duckies =o)

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