now what

Since my last question, I got over the bastard!! Now I’m in another situation. I’m starting to have feelings for another guy. He’s single but he’s like 5 years younger than me, he’s of legal age and all, but we are just friends and I don’t how he feels. Should I just dropped the whole thing? I’m with someone but I’m very unhappy.

Answer #1

Why are you still with your boyfriend, if all you keep looking outside of the relationship for happiness? You sound like you dont know what you want, and you seem to think another guy is going to make you happy. No one can make you happy, that has to come from within.

Answer #2

lol, I agree with angelfire2708 on the whole no one else can make you happy, but if you are not happy with your boyfriend, and looking out side of your relationship for it, maybe you should leave him cause he clearly isnt the one, I’ve had simular probs, but the guys were 6-8 years older, and imnot of legal age, lols, I would say leave your boyfriend since your not happy, and try and see what happens with your friend, but dont cheat, it makes things really hard

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