What has god done in your life?

What has god done in your life..? I hear people getting in arguments on here about god, and I know how good that he is.:) let’s jut brag on him for a while

Answer #1

why is this going on further than it should? just shows people wont listen to reason

let them believe until they get something like gangrene and start praying for a cure :P

Answer #2

lets go to the best example of an athiest ever …karl marx. hows that worked for us? countless millions dead. how about mao in china? I think 70 million dead… wow thats a lot better than some christian saying G-d loves you.stalin? lenin? boy what a list I bet your sooo proud.yea christians are bad…lol the 20th century was all about no G-d, power to the people, the strength within us, blah blah blah .science,I use that term loosely, did us such a great justice in bio,chemical,nuclear weapons that we ,as christians should be ever greatful.let some nutjob with a god complex or not, get one and watch how humanity has come so far from our ape ancesters. the Lord Jesus came and was ridiculed and abused but yet He cried “Father ,forgive them” call on Him and quit trying to prove an old and worthless point…that we are better off without G-d. yea right, tell the millions dead … I’m out :0)

Answer #3

I see the point of ,while driving, argueing with a stop sign,a caution sign ,a stop light .it is warning you of things ahead. argue all you want ,live without G-d as long as you want.it doesnt matter. dont belive the stop sign,of the danger ahead.believe or not, eternity is ahead.

…not a stop sign; more like a pothole, or roadkill…

Believe it or not, you DON’T KNOW what’s ahead, so stop pretending that you do. You’re lying and defying your own god in the process. You lack both the knowledge AND the strength of faith to be a proper representative of Christianity.

Answer #4

always go back to the “we are so educated,you are just the ignorant masses” deal with people of faith. look, I see the point of ,while driving, argueing with a stop sign,a caution sign ,a stop light .it is warning you of things ahead. argue all you want ,live without G-d as long as you want.it doesnt matter. dont belive the stop sign,of the danger ahead.believe or not, eternity is ahead.G-d will require an accounting of us all. without an atonement we are all guilty.one payment is accepted,Jesus Christ .like it or not .I didnt either,I resisted but found no other way.I will keep sowing seed ,which is the Word of G-d , and watch as other ground receives and grows. we will pray for you . dont get all mad at the warning,get mad at the deception you are under and the deceiver .

Answer #5

PMSL …FAR CANAL !!!… I see a pattern here, some Atheists are clicking the anti-Christ answers as ‘helpful’ and some Christians are letting their fingers do the talking and clicking ‘yes’ to answers for pro-Christ… hahhhaaa bloody priceless !!!

Distributing teams tee-shirts and boxing gloves now!!! ;)

Answer #6

stalin? lenin? boy what a list I bet your sooo proud.yea christians are bad…lol

Y’know… Hitler was a Christian. Omitted that one, didn’t you? I think he did more than just say ‘Jesus loves you’- in fact, last I checked, he was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Jewish people.

science,I use that term loosely, did us such a great justice in bio,chemical,nuclear weapons that we ,as christians should be ever greatful.

Science is also looking for cures for things such as Cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. How is prayer coming along on those cures?

call on Him and quit trying to prove an old and worthless point…that we are better off without G-d. yea right, tell the millions dead …

Have you heard of the Crusades? People being mass-converted at swordpoint in a ‘believe or be killed’ campaign? Really, learn a bit more about your religion before arguing with those of us who are actually educated on the subject.

obviously if your an atheist noone cares what you think here…cause the question DOES NOT apply to u

Actually it does- plenty of us were religious before we became atheists/skeptics, so we also have the right to answer. The idea of ‘God’ has done things in our lives- mainly, it’s made us see how much we dislike organised religion.

Answer #7

check out their kkk background

You’re an idiot. Stop lying… its a sin.

argue all you want ,doesnt do any good for anyone.

Hypocrite… and it does PLENTY of good, it shows how little you know about history AND your own religion.

facts are facts G-d changed my life

No… BELIEVING in God changed your life. A fear of hell will do that to some people who can’t find direction on their own. Just because YOUR life sucks without religion, doesn’t mean that everyone else is that weak-minded.

Answer #8

‘’And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him’ Leviticus 24:16 (God encourages you to stone to …insensitive jerk!)

This crops up from a biased mind. Think for a moment and see do you want God or not? That should tell you weather you are using your mind or will. If one was to study the Bible in an unbiased manner what position would he take? Would he start reading with a preset mind that God does not exist? No. That would be illogical. Logically one should start with “I don’t know if a God exists” mind set. Logically it is very stupid to say that God does not exist because to say that one must know everything in the world. But there are so many things that we don’t know that is really an foolish claim.

Now with an unbiased mind if one would read the Bible would it sound illogical? First the Bible says God is a supreme being and He created the world. An unbiased mind would rationalize “may be God is a supreme being or may be He is not. I don’t know.” To interfere here and say that no God did not create this universe because science has proved blah blah… is biasness. Because the theory of evolution excludes God at the very out set. Therefore it is already lop sided. Now many would jump in and say “but there are plenty of evidences… fossils…” and they would also claim that they are rational thinkers and would accept anything only on basis of evidence. I ask all who make such claims what evidence do you have to prove a single celled living organism formed by itself. If you believed THAT without any evidence, how can you accuse us of believing in something without any evidence?

Now coming back to the Bible if we …ASSUME… that God exist and that He is the creator, then claims such as He is at a different level, His logic is not our logic, we cannot understand His ways, we should not judge Him, heaven and hell exist, etc is true. Similarly under the same assumption blaspheming His name is an offense so great that a death penalty would be nothing at all. Similarly all parts of the Bible is logical if we …ASSUME… that God exists and He is the one speaking in the Bible.

The thing in question then is this ASSUMPTION. Does He exist?

Answer #9

If that is the case then what is the difference between the creature and the creator? It is the same like a toy and a toymaker. Then could a toy ever understand the intelligence of the toy maker? Why can’t you understand this simple thing?

Funny… man created computers, and now computers are more intelligent than most people…

So do say that something exploded out of nothing is more rational than something was created by someone?

That’s not the theory, you’re an idiot…

Science actually means knowledge or studying to acquire knowledge.

Uh huh…

By that meaning studying to acquire knowledge of God is also science.

No it isn’t… God cannot be perceived, so knowledge about God cannot be gained. And no, your imaginary super-powers don’t count as a method of perception. So don’t waste your breath.

Answer #10

Oh, so you don’t think it’s wrong that God doesn’t want cripples and handicapped people near his altar? You think it’s peachy to stone people to death? And you claim Christians are the ones with morals?! Man, do you even read that book you follow?

Assume for a minute that God does exist and is the creator. If that is the case then what is the difference between the creature and the creator? It is the same like a toy and a toymaker. Then could a toy ever understand the intelligence of the toy maker? Why can’t you understand this simple thing? It would be wrong for us to do that with our fellow but you can’t apply that logic to being that is in different dimension. But of course if you have a preconceived notion that God does not exist then this is all foolishness.

Been there. Done that. Also read a number of books that were meant to ‘prove’ the existence of God. Surprise surprise, they didn’t. Next to science journals, it’s all woo-woo and flim-flam.*

Examine yourself. Did you have a sincere mind to accept the truth what ever it is? Did you earnestly want to know the truth? Did you thirst for the truth and did you ensure that your personal biasness does not interfere?

I study science, the study of natural phenomena, what can be demonstrated and proven, logically explained. You claim to know ‘God’ exists through no proof at all, and ignore anything that says otherwise. Realistically, who’s making the foolish claim?

Why do you misquote me each time? I did not say to believe in God without any proof. I said no one can show you any proof but you can prove to yourself and others can only show you how. Moreover you talk as though I asked you to ignore science. I only ask you to use your skeptical mind on those parts of science where it has not found evidences or those areas it cannot study.

I really don’t think I can break the concept of abiogenesis into bite size chunks that you can swallow. I would recommend you search for it on wikipedia, but it is a rather lengthy article, and as you can’t even manage to learn your bible properly, how can I expect you to take in such a complex idea as abiogenisis?

You still don’t get the point. All those studies are placed on a lot of assumptions. These assumptions are based on other assumptions etc. Why do you think it is ok for them (the proponents of abiogenesis) to make so much assumptions is ok but for us it is not ok? Or do you think that our (so called) assumptions are more illogical that yours? There are a lot of assumptions on the atmosphere of early earth in these studies. And those assumptions are based on the assumption that everything came into existence from a big bang. So do say that something exploded out of nothing is more rational than something was created by someone?

My friend, truth is not easily found everywhere. Just looking at wikipedia to find about a topic does not give you the truth. I have said this many times but I don’t mind repeating this how many ever times. God is a being outside of the physical realm. Here is a naked truth. There are a set of biased people in this world who are atheists. All other people like you are just mislead by such people. The meaning of the word “science” has itself being changed today. Science actually means “knowledge” or studying to acquire knowledge. By that meaning studying to acquire knowledge of God is also science. Why has science been restricted to physical things alone? I want all to realize the deception you are led into.

Answer #11

To interfere here and say that no God did not create this universe because science has proved blah blah… is biasness.

You’re going to claim it’s ‘biased’ to take proven pieces of science against fairy stories? Now I have heard everything! You know it’s biased not to believe in pixies, leprechauns and the Flying Spaghetti Monster based on that idea, right?

This crops up from a biased mind.

Oh, so you don’t think it’s wrong that God doesn’t want cripples and handicapped people near his altar? You think it’s peachy to stone people to death? And you claim Christians are the ones with morals?! Man, do you even read that book you follow?

Logically one should start with I don’t know if a God exists mind set.

Been there. Done that. Also read a number of books that were meant to ‘prove’ the existence of God. Surprise surprise, they didn’t. Next to science journals, it’s all woo-woo and flim-flam.

Logically it is very stupid to say that God does not exist because to say that one must know everything in the world. But there are so many things that we don’t know that is really an foolish claim.

I study science, the study of natural phenomena, what can be demonstrated and proven, logically explained. You claim to know ‘God’ exists through no proof at all, and ignore anything that says otherwise. Realistically, who’s making the foolish claim?

Now with an unbiased mind if one would read the Bible would it sound illogical?

Yes it would. I used to be agnostic. I’m now a skeptic/atheist. Plenty of other people have been in the same boat. If anything, discussing this topic with you has outlined how little of your bible you’ve read (and how much you choose to ignore), and how little you know about the history and basic principles of your religion.

I ask all who make such claims what evidence do you have to prove a single celled living organism formed by itself.

I really don’t think I can break the concept of abiogenesis into bite size chunks that you can swallow. I would recommend you search for it on wikipedia, but it is a rather lengthy article, and as you can’t even manage to learn your bible properly, how can I expect you to take in such a complex idea as abiogenisis?

If you believed THAT without any evidence, how can you accuse us of believing in something without any evidence?

Because it’s more logical than ‘Magic Man done it’. Have you ever watched a stage magician, or slight of hand performer on stage? Do you take every trick he performs as magic? I would hope not, because behind illusions such as these, there is often a simple explanation. But, in many cases, most people would rather be fooled- it’s the same with religion really.

The thing in question then is this ASSUMPTION. Does He exist?

You can assume all you want, it doesn’t excuse the evidence against your assumption. Just because you want it to be true, doesn’t mean it is.

By the way, still waiting for you to put forward any of that ‘evidence’ you claim to have that your ‘God’ is real. Also waiting for your justification of Christianity not being a religion, and how Catholicism tries to pretend to be Christianity. I’m in the mood for a good laugh, and well, you do usually deliver…

Answer #12

It is the same like a toy and a toymaker. Then could a toy ever understand the intelligence of the toy maker? Why can’t you understand this simple thing?

You claim God made each and every one of us, in his own image. The fact is though, there are people born deaf, bind, crippled, with trisomy 21 etc. So you’re saying he created those people like that, and then said ‘yeah, don’t touch my altar guys, because you’ll profane it’. The simple thing that you can’t wrap your head around is that your God is a bit of an a7 if he thinks that’s okay, and you’re a dupe for thinking your God is ‘all loving’, etc.

Examine yourself. Did you have a sincere mind to accept the truth what ever it is? Did you earnestly want to know the truth? Did you thirst for the truth and did you ensure that your personal biasness does not interfere?

Did you read what I wrote at all? I was agnostic (look up the definition- it means not convinced either way whether ‘God’ does or doesn’t exist) That means I didn’t have a bias. I read your holy book, and as I outlined earlier, it has false logistics and contradictions in it that simply do not make any sense. I started reading science journals too, reading bits and pieces of theistic ‘evidence’, as I came across it too. The difference is, Science broke it down into a series of logical steps. Religion still relies on the idea that ‘Magic Man done it’. Behind every piece of magic, there is a simple explanation, and once you get it, it’s not magic anymore. I actually think it’s more biased (not to mention juvenile) to disregard anything and everything that challenges your flimsy belief system.

Moreover you talk as though I asked you to ignore science.

You do ask people to ignore science! What’s more is that you haven’t even looked at science yourself- if you had, you would be able to understand things like abiogenesis.

I only ask you to use your skeptical mind on those parts of science where it has not found evidences or those areas it cannot study.

I only ask you to switch on your mind, tale your fingers out of your ears and examine all the evidence against that religion of yours. The parts where science ‘has not found evidences’ is missing a critical word- ‘yet’. Take this example into consideration:

Suzie goes to her pastor and asks ‘Pastor, how did I get cancer?’, to which he responds ‘because that’s how God made you’. Then Suzie goes to a scientist and asks the same question, to which he responds ‘We don’t know yet. but we’re working on finding out.

The point here is that religion is blind- it’s happy with a blanket answer, even if it’s not really an answer at all. Science looks to understand things in a logical way, without the ‘magic’ component. Taking the religious answer solely because science hasn’t found a logical explanation yet seems kinda silly, not to mention dangerous. But in your case, it doesn’t matter what science does put forward, you’ll ignore it anyway.

You still don’t get the point. All those studies are placed on a lot of assumptions.

Says the one who bases their life on the assumption ‘God’ exists, ignoring the evidence challenging that assumption.

Why do you think it is ok for them (the proponents of abiogenesis) to make so much assumptions is ok but for us it is not ok?

Because their assumptions are made on complex studies and understandings of the natural world. Your assumptions are based on an archaic old book.

And those assumptions are based on the assumption that everything came into existence from a big bang. So do say that something exploded out of nothing is more rational than something was created by someone?

You have heard of the Large Haydron Collider, right? That machine which will be able to replicate the big bang, and we shall from there, be able to examine what Earth and it’s atmosphere would have been like after it. Of course, if you had studied the Big Bang instead of ignoring anything contradicting your beliefs, you might have a clue.

My friend, truth is not easily found everywhere. Just looking at wikipedia to find about a topic does not give you the truth.

You’re right- however, 10 years in active research in the search for proof of ‘God’ (and plenty of other deities) has seen me moved from an agnostic to a skeptic/atheist. Science explores ideas, and comes back with evidence. Religion is the denial of this evidence, hiding behind the excuse ‘God moves in mysterious ways’. Bendy busses also move in mysterious ways, but there’s an explanation in physics on that, and after you look at that, it’s not so mysterious anymore.

I have said this many times but I don’t mind repeating this how many ever times.

Of course you don’t- as a Christian it’s in your nature to try and convert as many people as possible. It’s in my nature as a teacher to educate people on facts and reality. However, me teaching you science is like teaching a 5 year old quadratic equations- I can’t make it simple enough for you to understand, it will take years of study before you can learn the basic concepts, and at any rate, you don’t have the interest or the attention span.

God is a being outside of the physical realm.

Just like leprechauns, invisible cats, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and all those other things you have no evidence for? Clearly they must all exist- because they’re in books, and that’s proof, right?

There are a set of biased people in this world who are atheists. All other people like you are just mislead by such people.

You’re confusing the word ‘biased’ with ‘educated’. If you’re saying that teaching people to think for themselves and question things is ‘misleading’, best keep your youth out of the education system, and just send them to church, teaching them to be mindless drones, buying any story you give them.

The meaning of the word science has itself being changed today. Science actually means knowledge or studying to acquire knowledge.

And religion is denying this knowledge in favour of ‘Magic Man done it’.

By that meaning studying to acquire knowledge of God is also science

Kinda hard to acquire knowledge of something that isn’t there, and only has an old book full of false logistics and contradictions to go by. In that case you can claim that studying to acquire knowledge of hobbits and Rainbow Brite are science.

Why has science been restricted to physical things alone?

Again, science is about giving evidence to support claims. Prove your God exists, and science will recognise it as fact. Until then, it’s just a story with a lot of evidence stacking up against it.

I want all to realize the deception you are led into.

And I want you to realise that ignoring science does not make your belief in your God’s existence true.

And once again, I am denied any explanation on how Christianity is not a religion, or how Catholicism pretends to be Christianity. You do know that lying is a sin, right? But I’m guessing you take solace in the fact you’re lying for the ‘Lord’s side.

Now, I really think we’re done here. You can’t put forward any evidence, I’m able to counter what you’re offering, you’re running around in circles, and you’re just not capable of using your rational mind- there really seems no reason to continue.

Answer #13

Reading ‘his infallible word’, the bible, has made me realise that if ‘God’ did exist, he sounds like a bastrd- all that justified rape, murder and torture in his name, and he gives the thumbs up? No thanks!*

Please quote verses before making such mindless accusations.

Again, the contradictions and false logistics in his infallible word have made me realise that it’s so important to question things that don’t make sense, and look for answers that are accurate, demonstrated and true.

Please show me some false logistics and explain to me why it is false. If you have such poor understanding why blame your creator.

The intolerance of some people in the Christian faith, and how they have taunted, condemned, and committed horrible acts of hate against myself and people I love, who are just being themselves- all of that hate and anger, all of those amazing people that religion’s archaic rules stop you from knowing, has made me realise I don’t want to have any part in that.

People are always evil, stupid and bad. It is highly foolish to judge Christianity based on people’s behavior. People who have hate and anger cannot be Christians although they call themselves one. A disciple of Jesus is called a Christian. A real Christian is one who does not hate anyone. You can know if one is a Christian when you discuss with one. If one is trying to thrust his thought down your throat then he is not a Christian. Anyone who is sincere about discussing Jesus and tries to rationalize with you is a Christian.

Catholic priests sexually abusing children has highlighted that the argument that ‘those who do not have God are moral-less and evil’ is BS- even those who have God commit unspeakable atrocities, and the kicker is, they actually get protected by the church. That taught me that religion is corrupt.

Catholicism is not Christianity. Catholicism is a religion just like other religions but pretends to be Christianity. Catholicism is a religion (and you are right about religion) but Christianity is not. Saying I hate Christianity because of Catholicism is like saying I don’t like a dog because a cat bit me.

Answer #14

Please quote verses before making such mindless accusations.

Mindless? Says the person believing in something with about as much proof of existence as the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, or Santa? But, as you ask, I will oblige:

‘’And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him’ Leviticus 24:16 (God encourages you to stone to death people who blaspheme. I do it multiple times a day. Better get out those rocks eternallife, or God is gonna be so ticked off with you!)

‘And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy. Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.’ Leviticus 21:16 -23 (‘God’ won’t even let handicapped people approach his altar lest they ‘profane’ it? What an insensitive jerk!)

Let’s not forget the verses in Leviticus 26:16- 39, in which God out lines what he will do if we don’t follow all the rules in his old testament. Some of these involve making us eat the flesh of our children, bringing plagues upon us, chastising us, bringing cities to waste and lands to desolation… yeah, sounds like a really stand up guy. Who wouldn’t wanna believe in such a kind, loving God?

Please show me some false logistics and explain to me why it is false.

Noah’s ark for one- measures 300 cubits x 50 cubits x thirty cubits (136 metres x 23 metres x 14 metres for those of you who prefer metric). The bible assumes the earth is only about 6000 years old- with the number of species that go extinct each day, the number of different species of mammal available on Earth now would be a fraction of what was there when ‘God’ supposedly poofed it all into existence. Even now, with all the species of mammals around, we would not be able to fit 2 of each onto a boat that size, it would be simply too small. Not to mention, having to store enough food to sustain them all? And trying to stop tigers from sinking their teeth into prey species? Quite simply, it doesn’t add up. Cute story, but logically and mathematically? No.

Contradictions… well…

~Corinthians 13:7 states ‘Believeth all things’, while Thessalonians 5:21 states ‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.’ ~Matthew 19:26, states ‘With God all things are possible’, yet Judges 1:19 says ‘And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.’ ~Matthew 5:22 states ‘Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire’ yet Corinthians 15:36 contains the words ‘Thou fool’.

Shall I continue? I have a whole page…

If you have such poor understanding why blame your creator.

Why would I blame someone I don’t believe exists?

People are always evil, stupid and bad. It is highly foolish to judge Christianity based on people’s behavior.

When your religion tells you this is the way you should behave? Yeah, I can judge on that. Besides, this coming from someone who judges atheists/skeptics as moraless on an archaic ideal, is pretty hypocritical.

People who have hate and anger cannot be Christians although they call themselves one. A disciple of Jesus is called a Christian. A real Christian is one who does not hate anyone.

Right… so Christians refusing to acknowledge civil unions between same sex couples is not because of a hate of homosexuals, it’s just something fun to do? And again, with this claiming that these people aren’t real Christians- I’m amazed there are any Christians in the world based on your word of who is or isn’t a real Christian.

If one is trying to thrust his thought down your throat then he is not a Christian.

So you’re finally admitting you’re not a Christian…?

Anyone who is sincere about discussing Jesus and tries to rationalize with you is a Christian.

Religion is the absence of rationale… rationalising with someone who thinks ‘Magic Man done it’ would mean giving up that belief.

Catholicism is not Christianity. Catholicism is a religion just like other religions but pretends to be Christianity. Catholicism is a religion (and you are right about religion) but Christianity is not

Catholicism pretends to be Christianity?! Christianity is not a religion?! I’m busting a valve to hear your justification of this. I think I’m actually going to crack out popcorn for it! Assuming I don’t die laughing first.

Answer #15

As I don’t believe in ‘God’, he hasn’t really done anything in my life, nor do I believe he’s done anything in anyone else’s lives. However, the idea of ‘God’ and people carrying out his word has done a lot for me:

  • Reading ‘his infallible word’, the bible, has made me realise that if ‘God’ did exist, he sounds like a bast*rd- all that justified rape, murder and torture in his name, and he gives the thumbs up? No thanks!

  • Again, the contradictions and false logistics in his infallible word have made me realise that it’s so important to question things that don’t make sense, and look for answers that are accurate, demonstrated and true.

  • The intolerance of some people in the Christian faith, and how they have taunted, condemned, and committed horrible acts of hate against myself and people I love, who are just being themselves- all of that hate and anger, all of those amazing people that religion’s archaic rules stop you from knowing, has made me realise I don’t want to have any part in that.

-Catholic priests sexually abusing children has highlighted that the argument that ‘those who do not have God are moral-less and evil’ is BS- even those who have God commit unspeakable atrocities, and the kicker is, they actually get protected by the church. That taught me that religion is corrupt.

These are just a few things that the mere concept of ‘God’ has done to shape the person I am today.

Answer #16

I guess higher learning is the better way.remember who was a big teacher of evolution”the thinking person’s religion” ? check out their kkk background.evolution is so racist it should be relegated to the junk tank like the “n” word. what separates Christianity and everything else is its a relationship with G-D. all religions , as far as I know, has to do with you working your way to G-D. Christianity is G-D coming to you and rescuing you from destruction. period pointblank and final. argue all you want ,doesnt do any good for anyone. facts are facts G-d changed my life 180 degrees and made me better ,delivered me from drug and alchohol addiction and set me on a Rock to stay . I’m out. ;0)

Answer #17

frutilicious, when I grow those balls you wanted youll be the first to know…

hmmm I think people get the wrong idea, I wasnt having ago at her no no just merely asking how he saved these people…

its not wrong is it?

aww come on, stop being so childish, if you can give me a good reason ill accept it seriously im not kidding, if you survived a crash and believe he saved you ill take that as a valid reason

but all I got was why do you wanna pick a fight? I dont, I just want a good reason, which you dont provide… sorry you phail :D

the question was what has god done in your life, so go on tell us, dont give me the he saved me from hell etc. stuff I’ve heard so darn much

no im asking for something genuine

@ jasonbrycew

search the site for “atheist” (and any derivatives), “no god” etc. and youll find most of the users who ask for peace here, getting into an all out war just because some 14 or 15 year old says “ I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD” or “IM AN ATHEIST”

this is what actually gets on my nerves, they pretend to play nice until something dont suit em

EDIT: another topic of interest : abortion yeah they get the big guns out very quickly here

Answer #18

ASSUME you read Exodus 4:24-26

where it says god tries to kill moses because moses doesnt want to circumsize his son

so what logic is this?


2 kings 2:23-24

where just because little kids called someone bald they get ripped to shreds by female bears in heat…

oh man for a devoted person I thought youd explain things better :O

Answer #19

I could never say it better than lex_icon…that was amazing… God saved my life. I love Him. He died for everyones sins wether you except it or not…I have been saved by the grace of God and I’m proud of it.

Answer #20

@ jasonbrycew

go ask a question with your view… youll get some pretty good advice ;)

Answer #21

lmfao.. he hasnt done anything for me I think anything good thats happened in my life is simply because of what I’ve done to get it

Answer #22

Guys you should know… you’re all stubborn… arguing with eachother isn’t going to change eachother’s views because like it or not you are stubborn.

I cannot see any of you backing down and saying… oh actually I want to be an atheist… or oh actually I want to believe in christianity.

Thats a good thing =D

Answer #23

god hasent helped me at all im a little overwight my dad commited sucide (no jokes about it please :) im always stressed karma is always in my way so im athest well partially I want to hope that one is real but dont

Answer #24

He died for me and He saved me:D and I love Him…

really, he saved you? from what exactly? death? poverty? war? oh wait, they are still here, and are caused by men of faith, George W. bush anyone?

god doesnt exist, so he has done nothing, and never will

Answer #25

informer_220 this question wasnt about you and how I needed to explain myself to YOU… im not being childish… you are. I dont need YOU to except MY answers…

Answer #26

It’s more about what you’ve done for yourself… Even if you do belive in a god(s), he/she/it obviously has not done much for anyone at all.

Answer #27

Alright informer220 LIKE I SAID BEFORE I LOVE GOD! HE SAVED ME! AND HE DIED FOR ME! im happy with that… so just leave it alone stop triing to fight someone with what you believe in I never judged you for it so why judge me dont give yourself that authority…

Answer #28

All that I have was given to me by God. The most important thing that God has given me is Eternal life through His son Jesus Christ. He has given me entrance to Heaven and saved me from hell.

Answer #29

Logically one should start with I don’t know if a God exists mind set.

Actually, you should start, AND STAY there…

Logically it is very stupid to say that God does not exist because to say that one must know everything in the world.

…counterproductive… using the word ‘logically’ doesn’t enforce your opinions. Its ILLOGICAL to try and use logic to debate the existence of deities, because the concept defies logic to begin with.

Answer #30

GOD is awesome…he made me pass all my exams without study…came first in my class in com sci…I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM… …he got me into one of the best schools in my country…and he’s gonna get me into the college of my choice…I no… he doesn’t give me thing that I ask for but I respect that because I no its in my best interest…and he doesn’t give you more than you can handle…

Answer #31

@informer 220 Elaborating would help. The only view I shared with you is one of doubt. Any advice I would get is irrelevant. Aura of smugness ftl.

Answer #32

People are always evil, stupid and bad

Generalization = WRONG (as usual)

Anyone who is sincere about discussing Jesus and tries to rationalize with you is a Christian.

Well, that certainly rules YOU out…

Catholicism is not Christianity.

WRONG AGAIN, idiot. Just because it has a bloody history, and makes Christianity look bad, doesn’t mean you can PRETEND to be unaffiliated… that’s just childish and pathetic. But then again, you’re ALL about making up excuses to try and hide the flaws of your religious ideals…

Answer #33

frutilicious, when I grow those balls you wanted youll be the first to know..

;) whoaaa hooo, my Christmas wish has arrived early, latex gloves on and ready with anticipation.!!! ( haha, only messing with you mate).

its not wrong is it?

Of course not, it’s healthy to question things but the tone of your answer came across as harsh (the power of written words) …my first thought when reading your answer was, wow, this guy has ‘gotta’ be rejected or turn down by this girl to warrant getting her head ripped off.

Anyway Informer_220, thanks for the clarification and my apologies for under-estimating the size of your nut sacks, I’m sure they are more then ample. :) …Definitely misunderstanding on why part when reading your first out-burst.

Answer #34

when I pray to him at night and saying all my thoughts through my mind, I can feel instant RELIEF and SECURITY. He is OUR Savior.

Answer #35

I was raised a Christian, and at a time in my life when I was falling and I begged him to just show himself, to prove to me that he is there so I could carry on…he didn’t.

What has God done for me? He let me down, and to me, that’s just as good as not being there.

There is no God.

Answer #36

Nothing at all,my mom always says that cause I’m an Atheist that’s why my life is messing up,it pissed me off and gave me another reason to hate her. Bam Margera and Rob Dyrdek and others are the reason why I’m getting far in life,not because of God.

Answer #37

I don’t believe in god and that’s final. I just hate how people preach about him on here and other places.

Answer #38

Absoutley nothing :) Lady Gaga and Megan Fox are MY gods :D Now I can tell yu a wholee bunch about what they’ve done in my life ;)

Answer #39

Arrhhh, this WAS suppose to be a simple question and has now turned into a religious argument…This isn’t a primary school play-ground, stop being so childish all ( including myself.)… AND… informer_220, you started this by having a dig at Listen, she did not step on anybody’s toes, but for some reason YOU felt the need to attack her personally…seriously grow some balls and be a man, that was so petty, princesses (girls) behave like that NOT blokey blokes. !!

Answer #40

really, he saved you? from what exactly? death? poverty? war? God cannot stop people from making decisions such as starting a war or anything they do and that is why its called independant think for yourself. watcht the movie bruce almighty..youll learn something. and what if there was no death? this world would be so messed up and I agree with the person above me people stop picking fights its not proving anything if we want to believe in god dont judge,..and why do you think war starts? besides the fact america is bored and we need to find something to do. because people get into bad confrintational crap like religion

Answer #41

What has god done for me? Well the god AND goddess have guided me through hard times and helped me come out a changed and better person for it. I think for myself and wont let fear of were my soul will end up and people that tell me im wrong influince me in anyway! But thats just me, every one to their own. Good question by the way :)

                                   Blessed be.
Answer #42

Lol, about time we get to brag about God. :) hippy hurray !!!

Being able to pray to God whenever I was feeling down during my parents’ break-up helped and I know with 100% certainty, He answered all my prayers, as now I have the two nicest step-parents ever…Also, been to 3 job interviews and every one of these, I have asked God if He could let me shine and impress the interviewers and have been successful in getting these job offers.

Answer #43

^ Lame dude. I don’t personally believe in god, but why attack people who do? And you broke the first rule of non-belief. The most you can do is say that god probably doesn’t exist. One thing everyone should believe in is doubt. You can doubt that god exists or you can believe he does exist. But you can’t prove it either way, so what’s the point of arguing? Just live your life the way you want and let others live the way they want.

Answer #44

damn!! and I thot my rroom was a warzone!!

Answer #45

God has done absolutely nothing for me. NOT ONE DAMN THING.

Answer #46

Nuttin. lol I don’t believe in God =D

Answer #47

He died for me and He saved me:D and I love Him…

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