Nose piercings, should I do it myself?

Okay, Im planning on getting my nose pierced . Yes im 13 :) And well my mom is letting me but it so and so months. I really dont want to wait. so if I do it myself can it paralyze my face. Im extremmelly scared of that happening . I heard it does. Can someone explain to me or help me with my situations :( ?

Answer #1

I think what you’re worried about is lockjaw. small chance, but I’d wait. no one likes a 13-year-old with nose piercings

Answer #2

just wait the time will go by fast and if you do it yourself you can paralyze your face. but your mom would also know b/c if you take it out it just closes back up right away. and if she saw you with it, she probably wouldnt let you get it in just 3 months. shed probably make you wait longer, or not even get it.

Answer #3

You’ll likely get an infection, and shattered cartilage.

Answer #4

I wouldnt do it yourself your mom will get mad!

Answer #5

Its worth the wait, don’t do it yourself.

Answer #6

I am 12 turning 13 and I want to get my nose pierced to I would do it. no the safest place for piercings are the ears adn nose. I have a lot of people inn my family with expierience so I already know from there info the only thing is, is the scar. so I don’t know if you do ill do it!!! :) let me know if your gonna do my email is or kkk thanx!

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