nose piercin

how can I convince my mom to let me get my nose pierced for my bday? her only reasons so far are that im too young and itll get infected. any ideas to convince her

Answer #1

Just explain to her that as long as you get it done at a PROFESSIONAL place that getting an infection is HIGHLY unlikely. Tell her that piercings CAN removed if you would ever decided you didn’t want it anymore. If this doesn’t work… stop asking for a little bit and try again some other time…or wait until your 18, then you can do it WITHOUT parental permission.

Answer #2

a profesional place is a tattooist or a a place that specially does them salons and places at the mall are not profesionals especially if they use the gun there inexpirienced and unqualified at 13 make sure its something you actually want if you go to a school that requires a dress code, they wont allow peircings and if you are looking for work or already have a job most jobs find facial peircings unprofesional also its not something you can easily hide and after a few years if you decide to take it out, youll be left with a small pimple sized scar if left in for too long, it will heal but the hole may never be able to close up so theres a lot more to consider here than just a new peircing because the only pro of a peircing is to sit there and looks pretty

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