Nose Periced

I just got my nose periced and I have a real little stud in it but I need a way to hide it from my mom because I can’t keep taking it out every 5 min. I’m not going to tell her I got it because she told me not to get it.

Answer #1

lol i hid my lip piercing for about 5 days then got bored and had to show my parents … then i got the otherside pierced haha now they don’t mind

Answer #2

Hiding a nose ring can be a pretty hard job since people eventualy notice you have a little hole in your nose, even if they don’t see you with the stud in. Everyone I know that got their nose pierced eventualy got busted or took their courage into their two hands and told their parents. Afterall, if you think your mature enough to make this decision without your Mom’s permission shouldn’t you be mature enough to deal with the consequences of your acts? Since you’ve already gotten it done, you might as well confront your mother because she is bound to notice eventualy. Remember your Mom is just trying to protect you from growing up too fast or being misjudged by other people. I’m sure if you talk about it with her you might even be able to make her understand why you did it. Taking your nose ring in and out all the time could also lead to an infection or to the hole not healing right. Be sure to clean your hands and disinfect your stud and piercing everytime because last thing you want is a big infection on your nose. Now that would be hard to hide!

Answer #3

Go to a tattoo shop and buy a clear retainer for it. It might be a little bigger than the original size so ask them at the shop to put it in for you. It should only cost $10 or less. And by taking it in & out you may cause it to get infected. so try not to change it often and buy some “bactine” this will prevent it from getting infected also! Good luck hiding it!

Answer #4

I hid ny nose perciing from my mom 4 bout 2days. she didnt really mind it. my dad did though. I hid it from him for 3months by taking it in and out. it did get infected, and I had to leave it out. Plus I kept losing the tiny nose rings. I had like 6 in 2 wks

Answer #5

just leave it in and just wait for her to notice it thats what I did, because she said I could have it and then she said I couldnt so I got it done any way and just waited for her to notice it and she didnt have a go at me or anything like that

Answer #6

omg girl im with you on this 1 my moms saw my hole and she went crazy she said if I see the ring in its a rap omg im so freaking scared ahhh lol

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