Norton for Multiple Partitions

I tried to clone two partitions from a hard disk to another. But I don’t know how to do so that both partition are copied to new hard disk as they previously are.

Answer #1

It is possible! If you clone a hard disk, all saved documents whether how many partitions your sources contain, it will be copied in an instant to your destination hard disk.. you can clone it / copied it less than 10 minutes, that’s fast.

I used GHOST to clone hard disk, a little complicated but it was so easy. GHOST can run on DOS Command, so you have to provide a bootable disk. If you know how to install the windows 98. It’s just like that.. but I think there are some ways to clone.. if you know lemme know please.. thanks.. if you have some question drop your comments or…:)

Answer #2

Norton partition magic is good, but I prefer Paragon partition manager.

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