Non-Existent Lovelife

Ok, so I basically have no lovelife, I understand that. I don’t like anyone right now because all the guys at my school are d*cks. I’ve been trying to keep busy and stuff, keep my mind off of it, there are just some things that I can’t avoid.

Like seeing couples in the hallway, or some of my friends talking about their boyfriends. I’m just their single friend with no experience. True, I do have other single friends but I just sorta feel alone without someone to hold hands with. I’m not desperate or anything, but I just think it’d be nice sometimes.

My mom always says that I’m only 15 and I have my whole life ahead of me. Yes, I know that. But just having someone to be with right now (nothing serious, strictly fun) would be nice.

What am I supposed to do when I can’t even meet different guys anywhere else besides school?

I’ll be driving in about 2 months, but nobody can get a job from where I live. I don’t want to spend my whole time at the mall. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to act because apparently most guys think I’m too ‘crazy’ or ‘too much’. I just don’t understand.


Answer #1

pk listen to your mom always at first ok…well you could go to events in your community, volunteer and join something in the community and please let your mom know and tell her your motives..she will guide what to do and what not to do..tell her you know and she should trust you…hope errthing works out

Answer #2

your mom is right. she gives good advice. but, since I’m guessing that’s not what you wanted… it is annoying to have friends that are holding hands and cuddling and you’re left out. I don’t know how you put up with hannah and steve-o. basically my advice though: don’t waste your time. don’t TRY to look for a guy that you can date. because you know most of the guys at our school right? (at least the ones that you cross paths with and would be able to spend time with without making a huge effort) well, you’ve already said it. they’re all d*cks. if not, the only thing they’re really good for is friendship. the ones that want to be in a relationship don’t want it just for fun. they want “love”. so. hope for new guys. once you start driving we’ll go boy hunting somewhere other than here. somewhere at least an hour away, where we won’t run into any maconaquah boys.

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