No Makeup! Help!

My mom just told me that I can’t wear makeup to school! I’m going into 7th grade! Plus I would only wear mascara and glitter blush and lip gloss. what are some effective ways to use light makeup that makes a big difference? How can I use makeup without my mom noticing or knowing?

Answer #1

ok listen im 13 and I do wear makeup. But in a way your mom is doing you the biggest favor take it from someone who knows. I have worn makeup for awhile and now I breakout all the time. Just stop wearing it because I stopped wearing it and my skin is clearing up. Now I only wear chapstick and vaseline for my eyelashes. My skin is recovering and pretty soon ill have the beautiful clear skin that I once had. Dont worry bout wearing makeup because actually wearing a lot of makeup will give guys the wrong idea that you are a slut. That is the truth so just be a natural girl and I promise u, you will look beautiful. Also use a nice soft cleansing scrub like the one I use it is called revitalizing wash 4 in 1 by biore!!! My skin is improving everyday!!! I love this stuff so please please just take my advice and you wont be sorry!!!

Answer #2

well they have clear mascara that when applied it looks darker and you still get the full lash look..also use earth tones for mascara it will make your eyes look deeper but more sexy as well…you can also use brown eyeliner to make your eyes pop…

Answer #3

My friend has the same problem. She give me her make up and we get to school like really early so I give it to her at school, then she brings make up remover and takes it off after school! But we walk home. We always stop at the park but we gotta be carefull because there are drug dealer there and rapist at nite so we dont go there at nite.

Answer #4

chapstick does wonders. try clear mascara. pinch your cheeks for blush.

lol…my mom wouldn’t let me start wearing makeup at your age either. I got involved in dance team tho, and you have to wear makeup for dance team, so I would wear it for dance events, and then that slowly led to everyday wear. talk to your mom tho…tell her you would be responsible with it :)

Answer #5

How about some fake-up? Lol…really though, use household foods for certain effects to make up…like for rosy cheeks using an ice cube…you don’t need to wear make up at that age anyways. Borrow make up from your friends at school if you want, just make sure it isn’t too much.

Answer #6

Okay… This happeded to me too except mi dad didnt want to wear any makeup. dont sneak makeup on at school. dont go and buy makeup with a friend when your ma isnt there. tell your ma you really want to wear makeeup but you dont know what shades are natural looking for you skin tone. when your at a store take her by the makeup and for her advice. she might let you wear it if you make her feel important by gettin her involved! you mom probably said NO makeup because she doesnt want her little baby growing up… just be patient and she’ll come around!

Answer #7

omg what the f*ck your mum wont let you wear make up? ok dont wear glitter blush ever again its just sumthing a 7yr old would wear lol. just wear mascara, lip balm and a bit of foundation you will look like a natural beauty and your skin will look flawless trust me the wholo glitter blush and lip gloss thing is horrible. your lucky if your in america because in 7th grade arnt you only in that school for like 2 years at 7th grade in england your straight in highschool until your 16

Answer #8

for lipgloss, get a glossy lipbalm. I find Nivea caregloss is a good one. Its shiny but its actually to stop your lips drying out, etc so its not technically makeup. For mascara you could try a clear mascara so its not so obvious. I think both of these ideas shpuld be ok because its not going overboard with makeup so its not really going against your mum too much

Answer #9

your mom is right, make up on someone your age is just trampy.

Answer #10

tell your mom your going to have to grow up sooner or later

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