New Xbox Experience, YEAH RIGHT!

Is anyone else besides myself unhappy with the new dashboard for the xbox 360?

My main gripes would be that everything takes so much longer to find now versus when the on the old dashboard things weren’t. My second one and this by far is the most annoying, is when sometimes I pull up my dashboard and it eithe A. Lags horribly and takes forever to load anything up or b. Freezes. Everything else is pretty cool, netflix avatars ect..

Answer #1

itz aight

Answer #2

I dunno, I like it, I guess it takes some getting used to for some people

Answer #3

It is really bad. It makes your games slower, and regular x-box games have serious problems. Also it just has problems, a lot of times it wont play your game, then, later it will all of a sudden. I have been having problems too. you`re not alone, dude -qazwert

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