New guy

So I have been talking to some guy =jorge:))for about 2 weeks and we have been txtn and talking on the phone too.I think hes cute and sweet and a gentlemen.he plays soccer and he is from argentina.he goes to church and he does everything I tell ask him to do.he told me he has a crush on me!!bt one of my friends dont like him.he says that jorge thinks he is all that in a bag of chips.but jorge does not act like that with me.what do you think??

Answer #1

hey what if your friend likes him haha???I think you should ignore there comment and give him a chance since he is cool dude just let him no to be nicer with your friends…

Answer #2

I think you should do whatever your heart tells u. so much for you loving me right! its kool well just pray bout it, and if hes urs hes urs but doesnt meen you cant be friends with him!

Answer #3

you can still date Jorge even if your friend is not keen on him..go out on dates just with him and hang out with this friend when your not with Jorge

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