Big crack in laptop

omg I need someones help QUICK ok my laptop was grand den 4 sum reason a crack came up in it der a few days ago but I went to close it over now a big crack is it and and you no da lil thin between da side of da computer and da screw well tat gone and now da thing is half hangin off I ave it cellataped bk together what cn I do :(:( im soo scared my mam is going crazy I didnt mean 2 tho :( and da warrinty is up on it :(

Answer #1

Gosh, can you not type? Took me awhile to actually get what you were asking. Lol. Just get a new one, or take it to an Electronics store and see if they can fix it for you.

Answer #2

does it still work?

if it does get a new case and just replace it

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