Need someone!

my problem sounds cheesy and I know im 16 and bla bla bla I have my whole life to work with this problem but I cant help it! I’ve come from a difficult background and lost a lot of friends, boys have always either manipulated or used me or just been complete giving up in finding someone who I can be in a relationship with and feel comfortable, I want all that young love stuff, but im actually beggining to think there is no decent good looking boys out there anymore :/

Answer #1

I was the same way!… I lost my virginity to a complete scumbag who told me everything I wanted to hear.. after that I just kept having sex with guys because it made me feel good about myself.. I would cry almost every night hating my life for what I did to myself and now I truly found the love of my life… I would have never thought I would ever find someone like him but I promise you, there is someone out there for you, dont give up! and please dont give yourself to a boy/man who DOESNT deserve you because you deserve better than that <3

Answer #2

your life is just beginning… live from day to day and don’t waste time worrying about the future. Live in the now. you have sooo much to look forward to and you can make it a wonderful journey if you want to. Chill…

Answer #3

there is someone out there, you just need to believe there is, and keep your eyes wide open. dont let a good guy slip away…

Answer #4

Don’t be worried. The same thing happened to me when I was your age. I didn’t find the right person till I was 24!!! Just be patient - I know it sounds stupid, but it’s true.

I hope I’ve helped.

Paul x

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