Need help with girlfriend...

I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world and we have talked about sex. I was just curious if I should just come onto her, slowly romancing the mood, or ask her to have sex with me?

Answer #1

well if want to have sex then ask her she would peobley want it when she is ready but if you have already talked bout it to her then ask her when she wants it

Answer #2

fyi I no longer care that fau is not real, I am just curious where this bot is pulling his questions from.

for those reading for sake of getting an answer. most important thing is to talk about sex, establish that you both are ready to have it, then you don’t have to ask permission, just like you don’t ask permission to have a kiss. but that is where kissing and sex similarities stop. you don’t have to talk about kissing before you try to kiss her for the first time, but having sex you do, unless… you are both over 18.

girls its okay to broach the subject of having sex with your boyfriend. the way to talk about sex is to do when you are not in situation to have it immediately. that way later it can still be spontaneous but much more comfortable and confident knowing you have a green light to try.

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