Need help fast...omg im so bad

Well today me and my friend got caught stealin alchoal from a shop near my local area outside my school lol and we ran out with two bottles of wkd. Little did I know someone was chasing me and then the police were there at the time unfortunetly which meant big time trouble. So he grabbed me and my friend and took us to the police, we were so scared, I regret it soo bad come to think of it now. Then the police took our details and said this has to go on report? I’m confused does this mean im cautioned? Or just a report? Does this mean I wont get a good job? Someone please tell me how this works? Am stressed. Thanks by the way am only 15.

Answer #1

It will be more than just a slap on the hand for robery and running from the cops - even if they are a minor.

The OP will most likley have to do community service. That is the most popular decision that the judges make. They will have to do something though - it’s not just a slap on the hand.

Answer #2

Wow… what is the world coming too… I fear for society in general when stuff like this comes up… . Sounds like a court case and community service to me. For f*ucks sake your stupid though

Answer #3

OK, first of all your 15, and stealling alchoal. You shouldnt drink at your age! and you should never steal, that make you a criminal and you dont want to be one, esspeacially at 15 years old.

I think when he siad it has to go on report he ment itds going on your record. but dont worry you`ll be able to get a job.

Answer #4

hmmm… well hun, it really wouldve helped if you didnt to it in the first place it most likely means your going to have it on your record and it mite be just a caution. your only 15??? why would you do sumpin soo stupid???

Answer #5

You most likely will get an court date sent to you in the mail and you will have to appear before a juvenille court judge.

What were you thinking seriously?

Answer #6

it happen 2 one of my friend’s when we were 13 and all he got was like I said before. and then 2 month’s ago it happen 2 my other friend’s lil bro and all they did was talk ab how it was bad 2 run or sumthing and all he got was probation and 10 hr. of community service. but again tho I live in Little Rock, AR so they might do thing’s different here. plus I do agree with (mandyloo) that was dumb 2 do.

Answer #7

k well first your get an court date sent to you in the mail and you will have to go 2 court and face the judge. and then he will ask you what were you thinking and are u sorry 4 it. then he will ask how old are u and then after all that done with all your get is a slap on the had and mayb a lil fine and when you become 18 they will take it off your record and ya you can still get a job.

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