Where can I get a job?

I am 34 have two kids need a job bad

Answer #1

be a online working person. or work at ur kids school

Answer #2

Some general ideas:

Baby sitting (only for persons that are trustworthy) Paper route Dog walking Grocery store Lemonade stand Paint House number on street curb House sitting Message Delivery Pharmacy Delivery City, County, State and other government-run Youth Programs Vacation and Tourism spots Hotels/Resorts Parks and recreational areas Swimming pools, golf courses and campground facilities Day and summer camps Amusement/Theme/Entertainment parks Museums, Zoos and Aquariums Airport concession firms Childcare and Eldercare providers Health care facilities Business services (including) Moving and packing companies Pool and spa companies Lawn care and other maintenance companies Construction companies Movie theaters Fast food and restaurant establishments Ice cream parlors, juice bars Clothing and accessory stores Newspaper / Magazine Distribution

I wish you the best !!

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