Nearly in Tears...

now I said nearly because I’m a bad btch. and bad btches cries ova no man. I need help. I love this dude and I think he loves me. Everytime I close my eyes he’s in my thoughts. We ben togetha 4 sumtyme now. But he acts as if he is scared to show his feelings. I want us to b honest to each other but I don’t think we know how. Someone give me sum advice to how I should approach him…

Answer #1

girl its the same thing 4 me ma boyfriend doesnt show his emotional side therefore he doesnt really show his feelings and that frustrates so that is why we talked and I came to realized that in a relationship sometimes you ave to accept the good and the bad, so talk to your guy about how you feel

Answer #2

The best thing is to be open with each other and sit and talk about your feeling and to hear what each of you feel.

Try talking to him and tell him how you feel for him and any problems or worries you have then let him tell you his and you should get on well.

That’s what I do with my friends at school if they got a problem and it really helps to listern to each other and talk to each other to sort things out and I really hope it works for you too.

Cook him a nice meal and some nice music on and set a nice mood but not one that says come to bed with me then just talk about what is on your mind.

good luck.

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