My vagina has cutts on and in it.

What should I do? My boyfriend has been fingering me. The first time it only had gotten cutt once which was real bad but after a few days it was okay. Now, today he did it again and it started bleeding a lot and I’m not sure if there are cutts on in it but my vagina hurts badly and well I dunno what to do. I’m in pain, kind of. It’s irritated and I’m only 14. Please, what do you think is going on in there?

Answer #1

You should see a doctor and you are too young to be doing that kind of stuff.

Answer #2

Okay listen we do stupid things at the heat of the moment, but your only 14 darling.. and if your doing these days of things women up and go check your self… also a lil advice to mr. fingers, WASH YOUR HANDS AND CLEAN YOU NAILS..

Answer #3


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