My tragus piercing has a strange bump, what is it?

Okay, so I recently had my Tragus on my right ear pierced in early June and after hitting it hard with my hand accidentally, I noticed a small bump that sat right next to the hole, not actually on it. I sprayed it with the can salt and water that my piercer recommended when I got pierced and it hurt only when I pressed down on it. So, I just recently noticed that it turned into a red bubble. My mother played with it a little yesterday hoping it’ll pop, but I was afraid of her actually doing it and stopped. There are no gooze or anything coming out, just the usual crust on the back of the piercing. So now I’m curious…What the heck should I do?!?

Answer #1

okay calm down its either two thing 1 it could be a keloid which is scar tissue and they can get really big to the point where you have to get them cut off I had one when I got my helix dun when I was in the 6th grade and it grew to the size of a pea…okay 2nd it cud be just inflammatory I got my tragus dun when I turnd 18 and it also grew a small red bump next to it I immediatly went to the doc how cut my keloid off and he told my it was inflammed and it would go down well 2weeks later it came out and that smalll red bump went away and you messing around with it will not make it any I think you shud just keeo cleaning it and try to avoid messing with it..goodluck

Answer #2

go 2 your doctor duh

Answer #3

Go back to the place you got it pierced and get it checked out,or if you got it done away from home,you can just pop into any reputable piercing place and they can check it out for you and you can get it cleaned any time for free. Also if you do end up having to get it taken out and it closes up,you can get it re-pierced for free! My friend had her bellybutton done for almost a year when it had a reaction to a bar she put in so she had to take it out,it closed up and when I went to get my tragus done 3 weeks ago,she came with me and got her bellybutton done for free,she just had to pay for a safe bar she wanted to put in the piercing!! Hope this helps! Good Luck!!!

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