My stomach- what is this?

Okay so some of you may have read my other two help questions and some people are saying I have an ulcer but here is what I feel. Okay so my upper stomach is a little swollen and it hurts every now and then. I don’t throw up or anything and I don’t think I have any signs of an ulcer. I pee a lot but not take the #2. I only take the #2 once a day. And my sister not too long ago had been backed up if you know what I mean. And her stomach was a little swollen and she couldn’t go to the #2. What do you think this is? Oh and also I had sex two days ago but I used protection and I doubt I am pregnant. I have no signs or anything so yea. And if I was then it would hurt lower. So what do you think this is?! Please help me and give me suggestions!!

Answer #1

where is the pain? If it’s at the top of your stomach? Could be a hiatal hernia…I have one. Do you have a hard time swollowing food and drinks? Feel like you swollowed a basketball? That’s what it feels like.

If its in the lower stomach? Could be just constipation…

Definitely see a gastro doctor.

Answer #2

If your discomfort persists, I’d recommend you consult a doctor. It might be nothing serious but then again it might be serious. Better to be safe than sorry!

Answer #3

Seeing as though its only 2 days ago it cant be pregnancy symptoms so im going to go for constipation. If your sis was backed up then chances are you are too. You must have the same diet since you live together in the same house. Ask a parent to get you some laxative drink or prune juice or prunes to get you movin.

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