My sex life!!

Ok I am only 13 years old and I think about sex sex I masturbate and watch porn is there something wrong with me are all 13 yr olds this way is there anyway to stop thinking about sex please help!!

Answer #1

There’s nothing wrong with you at all. IT’s normal, and natural. You’re at that age…though I’m pretty sure you said in another post that you’re like 16 or 17…

regardless, it’s ok. Just keep it under control. Even if it’s normal, it can get out of hand…and fast.

Answer #2

You are completely normal, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Some people are just more interested in sex, and once you become interested, you have discovered it and you don’t just become not interested.

Once on one of those talk shows, a 14 year old girl who was having sex with her boyfriend was asked, “Why do you do this?”, and she said, “Because it’s fun!!!”

They wanted her to say “Oh I dont’ know, I’m sorry I have a problem.” But why is it different for a teen to be interested in sex than an adult?

Answer #3

no it is not normal. you have a problem that needs to be dealt with now because if not when you get married one day this will totally destroy your marriage. Seek Gods guidance and surroud yourself with people who are good influences. I have heard how sexually abused kids as well as myself growing up caused a lot of feelings that should not have been messed with. Seek help now. It is something that you can get over but it will take a lot in your part. Hope you get help now!!!

Answer #4

I could help you with that.

Answer #5

maybe you need some counseling. where you sexually abused at any point of your life?? because that would be why you get those feelings.

Answer #6

we’re in a new generation and many adults will look down upon us but it is no reason to feel bad about yourself. If you are obsessing then that is a problem, an addiction like any other. You should try and find a new hobby that can replace it and something new to obsess over. Usually comedy helps me in situations like this. Funny stuff just makes you laugh. Hang with friends and people who can relate to you, I.e. someone who has a similar sense of humor as you. Also on youtube there are a lot of funny people out there. Here are some of my favorites:

sxephil Dane Cook Whose Line Is It Anyways

Enjoy :D

Answer #7

well your hormones are kickinq in ; I do that wunce & a while . im 13 too [:

Answer #8

yea I have started that happened when I was 10

Answer #9

This tread proves that many adults have not any clue about sexuality of today. There is nothing wrong with you at all. Take it from one who has studied sexuality academically. Lot of kids has sexual feelings even before puberty. Contemporary psychology, sexology and other professionals are telling us that it is beneficial for minors to learn to masturbate on basis of good information, because children are sexual being as well, and experience build-up neurological tensions which orgasm would release naturally into the body. Tension could else manifest in behaviors of social difficulties and problems with concentration. Nature has with good reasons given children ability to orgasm before puberty. Orgasm has two aspects: First is the neurological aspect that makes masturbation or sex pleasant, and children share that trait with adults. The second part is connected with the hormone system that makes humans able to having kids. This latter part has nothing to do with how great sex feels, and it is a strange thought for many adults that what they enjoying as great in sex is actually their juvenile sexual sentiments. The different between children and adult is that the adult channels those feelings of pleasure into more sophisticated structures of social meanings that could overwhelm the child, but the pleasure in itself can be as much as real to a child as well in positive terms. They who claim otherwise depending on 30-50 years old outdated understandings, and are likely brainwashed by Victorian attitudes which is still going strong in our society, albeit fading. Understanding of workings in children’s sexuality has moved lang way from scaring kids to death from masturbation into the professional advisement in letting kids masturbate from early on and get to know their body by enjoying and accepting it. An orgasm is therapeutic release to many kids, and lays a good foundation to later sex-life, even could make birth a lot easier because orgasmic girls usually share in common an early debute in masturbation, and orgasmic girls usually have lot easier birth experience. Masturbation from young age has plenty of positive and sound effects. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your body, and have at least one or two orgasm a day. To my own girls I tell at least three … You cannot have too many, but life is about much more than orgasm all the time though …

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