Is it just cold feet about our wedding?

me and my partner have been together for almost 5 years now and are ment to be getting married in april this yr. A few weeks ago he got drunk and told me he didnt want to get married and said we wouldnt work, I got really upset and left (we were at a friends house) then he come after me but never said sorry till the next day. Now 2 weeks later, I have been making my bridesmaids dresses and he has told me to burn them, so I got really mad this time and have gone off at him now he has left to go to work in a reall bad mood and I dont know what to think anymore. IS it just cold feet as it gets closer or are we doomed…

Answer #1

they say people say what they think when you’re drunk. he told you he doesn’t want to marry you, he doesn’t dump him, accept it and get on with your life.

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