my relation is going down

hi… I have a really very serious problem…frm last 3 days my girlfrnd starting ignoring..she met her frnd without telling me tat she is going 2 meet her frnd…actually he propsd my girlfrnd…frm that day I refused her 2 meet that boy…bt she stil talk 2 him…n now she says “I dont want u”…in last 4 3 moths…I had done a mistake…I beat my girlfriend when I get ngry and smtimes abuse him…bt nw I realise that watevr I was doin was wrong… I love her sooo much bt nw she is not intrstd in me 8 al…I think she is intrstd in that boy…when evr I ask hr for that boy she says he is only my frnd you think what you want I dont care…please help me…I dont want 2 loose my love…

Answer #1

You need to control your anger. If you’ve done it in the past there are chances that you still might do it, and you cant blaim her her being scared, even if you regret what you’ve done. She might feel this boy is an escape from the abusivness that you 2 use to have, and you need to show her that you really do care and love her, and you seriously regret having ever putting harm onto her, and convince her that you are TRYING to change. Be romantic, write poems or songs explaining how you feel towards her and how you change for her, or just convince her you are different by showing her.

Remember if it all fails, you don’t want to be in a relationship where you both aren’t happy. You CAN find happiness elsewhere, even if it takes time. I hope it helps =/ Good Luck x

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