How can I get her back even as a friend?

So I met this girl..eventually we started dating..then I met her friend and me and her hit it off really well..and I ended up liking her more then my girlfriend but I never said or did anything about it. Of course then a little while after me and she started dating her friend started flirting with me (she didn’t know i had a gf) and yeah I kinda just went with it..not really flirting back but not really ignoring her. Then I tell her I have a gf and she backs off and we go back to regular conversation..a few weeks go by and we talk pretty much every day and we get a real strong friendship going and all that then me and my ex break up and me and her friend get to be better friends..always flirting and all that for about a week then she starts barely talking to me..and we just don’t seem as close as before..I’d just settle to have her back as a friend even..any suggestions on what to do? :S thanks in advance

Answer #1

Yeah im a little confused also, if she was your gfs friend how could she not know you were dating? look bottom line……..if you are with someone and start having feelings towards someone else, its time to let that person go, in this case your ex gf becos its not fair to be with someone and have feelings for someone else, so you should have let her go straight away. Now your “friend” is prob thinking well if he can flirt and all that on that girl he’ll do it to me to!

Answer #2

Dear mhm, Your question is a little confusing…you said it was your gf friend…but she didn’t know you had a girlfriend? So I’m confused. But if you flirted with a girl while you were dating another…shame on you and look what happens. Seems you lost both of them. As we get older dating becomes a little more serous and comes with more responsibilities like learning to respect your girlfriends more. Sue…good luck

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