my question is 0%

I was marking one of the questions I asked as aontumus when I noticed a 0% next to the tilte? why is that?


Answer #1

Like everytime someone answers theres something there that says:

Did you find this answer helpful? Yes, No

And they probably clicked no. That’s why you have a 0% if they clicked yes you would have got a 100%. Depends on the percentage of people that voted on it and what they voted.

Answer #2

When you respond to a question, there is a link under your response that asks if you find the answer helpful. Your percentage is zero if everyone who rates your answer finds it unhelpful. It would be 100% if someone or many people rated it helpful.

Answer #3

exactly, like if I were to rate the answer “nerd” posted helpful, it would show up as 100%. if I rated it unhelpful it would show up as 0%. and if one person rated it helpful, and some else rated it unhelpful it would show up as 50%

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