my peirced tounge

Help any people wa there tounge peirced am in agony wa blisters and swollen gums at the back of bottom teeth and mouthis agony dint know if this supposed to be x x x x xbeen using oraldine mouth wash am on day 4 HELPXXX

Answer #1

Yeah I’d get a professional piercer to look at it and maybe your doctor… that reall dosen’t sound right mine is pierced and I had NONE of that… it was just swollen, and sore when I ate… it’s not supposed to get blisters…\

and does that mouthwash have alcohol in it? if it does STOP USING IT!

Answer #2

That doesn’t sound good. I would visit the salon you got it pierced at. My tongue was like completely healed after 10 days. And I didn’t have the problems you did. I just had a bit of discomfort and swelling. I’d say leave it for a couple of days if it doesn’t get any better then visit the piercing salon

Answer #3

Its only day 4. Give it time to settle down. Keep cleansing it good. :) If in doubt, go to your peircer.

Answer #4

I don’t think that’s supposed to happen. I’d see a doctor.

Answer #5

My tongue swelled for 8 days… A tongue piercing should have nothing to do with your gums. Have you had any alcohol, dairy products or kissed anybody? When I first got it done, I brushed my teeth and tongue every time I ate something. Listerine is good to use… You should ask the people who did your tongue though.

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