My parents think im a slut because I dont like seminary

My family is intensly LDS. As I grow older (yes I realize im still quite young) I have realized that I am actually not that fond of the religion. I am realizing that I have kinda always been anchored to my parents faith/testimony/belief and I dont want to be. We fight about it almost weekly and they are positive that it has something to do with morality. Like oh she must be doing something wrong so she doesnt want to go to seminary or church because she doesnt want to feel guilty. I don’t know I just want to be free…experience alternatives…discover my personal spirituality without their restrictions. how should I talk to them about it without them thinking im a slut?

Answer #1

Well, let them think you’re a slut then. Is that really such a high price to pay for your freedom?

Answer #2

I’d explain to them my real reasons for not wanting to go to church etc, and even if they choose not to accept that you no longer wish to be LDS, then at least you’ve told them and should feel more comfortable looking for what feels right for you. No matter what they say I’m sure that they’ll still love you etc even though they aren’t supportive of your choices.

Answer #3

Your choice is and should be, your choice. That is part of growing up. Whether they realize it or not, they are pushing you farther away, by trying to force this issue.

they really shouldn’t do this. They should instruct you the best way they know how, and pray for you, and allow you to make your own decision.

and they are going way too far by calling you any kind of name, or insinuating that you are doing something that you are not. Try to love and forgive them, but, stand your ground, and choose wisely.

Answer #4

What you believe or don’t believe will never make you a ‘slut’ - so that should be settled.

But as to your parents - that’s a bigger problem than just the words they use. Like an awful lot of parents and other adults, they seem to feel that they should control you even though you’re no longer a little child. And changing that mindset isn’t easy.

I think the important thing is to show to them that you are mature enough to make your own decisions. Show that maturity by not getting angry when you try to talk with them. Try to stay cool, and try to listen to what they have to say. You don’t have to believe a word of it, but it will help if you appear calm and grown-up.

And in the meantime, you go ahead and believe whatever you choose. Read up on different religions (also on the Net), talk with other people - it’s YOUR decision, and sooner or later they will have to accept it.

Answer #5

a slut is someone who sleeps aroudn with other people, just for the hell of it, becuse they no they can make other people have sex with them do you do that? if not, then your not a slut sleeping with one or two guys doesnt make you a slut, neither dooes just having sex with one your only a slut if you go around screwing everyone if there calling you a slut or think you are because you dont want to beleive in there religion, describe the word slut and tell them the definition of it then tell them to accept what you beleive in because if your happy thats all that should matter, and thats all they should care about

Answer #6

Religion at its finest… Well, if I were you, I would try to calmly explain why I don’t like all that … stuff. If they would still be mad at me, I would just keep believing what I want and try to ignore them. And not talk about it too much to avoid conflicts. I guess. :o

Answer #7

I’m not sure what people of LDS religion do, but it shouldn’t matter what you believe, your parents should not be calling you a slut anyways.

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