My parents having sex really disturbs me.

I’m 15, my parents are almost in their fifties, and sometimes at night when I’m up late watching TV when I walk to the bathroom or to get a glass of water I hear them having sex (in their room). I’m a virgin, if that makes any difference whatsoever, but is it weird that I’m disturbed by their having sex? I mean, should a child really have to know/hear their parents sexual activity? Can’t they at least be a little more discreet about it? And by the way, there’s absolutely no way I can talk to them about it. I just can’t and also if their sex life is what helps keep their marriage together then I don’t want to ruin that, but I also don’t want to HEAR it, for crying out loud!! Please advice. Thanks.

Answer #1

Get headphones for your stereo or mp3 player - you’ll no longer be ‘inconvienced’.

Answer #2

Trust me I know the feeling my mom and my stepdad do the same thing only at night and well I sleep upstairs but the guest room is right below my room and I can hear them try talking to your mom I did and even thou they still do it they aren’t that loud trust me she’ll understand.

Answer #3

lol thats normal it is rather creepy

Answer #4

I agree with the headphone idea. Since you are already set on NOT talking to your parents, the best idea would be to AVOID from hearing it. You might just have to lock yourself in your room for the night. Good Luck!

Answer #5

yeah I know what you on about dont worry im disturbed by it too!! all I do is shut the door and put my head under my pillow and think about somthing else and if I gets too load just knock on their door that always works:)charlie aged 13

Answer #6

I agree with everyone above, and I also think your attitude is very mature (you recognise your parents’ rights and needs). There probably is no harm in mentioning it to your mum briefly - if they’re noisy about it then they really aren’t too shy (speaking from my own experience as a happily married parent). Knocking on the door is drastic but might just work - it will alert them to the fact that you’re aware without having to speak to them. Organising your life to stay away from their room at night and listening to your music if you’re disturbed sounds like the best advice to me. Best of luck!

Answer #7

get over it just be happy your parents or still doing there thing because there are lots of kids parents that are divoice so let it be and let them be happy

Answer #8

lol! it’s not weird to not want to think about your parents having sex. But like you said, a healthy sex life is a good thing for a relationship. I’m not entirely sure what you can do about it?

Answer #9

You can get your water before you go to bed. I use a big insulated mug that keeps my water cold all night.

Not sure what your parent’s activities are like. If they are screaming and grunting loud enough to be heard throughout your house than perhaps you can suggest they keep it down or soundproof their room. Otherwise try to give them a little space.

Answer #10


Maybe you are subconsciously jealous because they are able to experience an aspect of life that you haven’t yet experienced nor are really ready to experience yet.

Sex is just as much a natural part of life as is eating and breathing. And, it is an aspect of life that many will partake of all their lives.

The problem is that too many of us are hung up about it to where we are embarrassed to discuss it with our children. From the child’s point of view, many times they don’t have enough TRUE information on the subject to understand it or its relevance in the adult world.

I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with your mom, but maybe you should sit down with her some time and openly discuss the subject of sex with her. You could also mention to her that you aren’t comfortable when hearing their lovemaking accidentally at various times and that maybe they could tone it down a little when you are around. Conversation can work wonders.

Answer #11

make it awkward for them and stand at the door and say mom are you ok? They will keep it down I done it before and they kept it down after that

Answer #12

Not weird at all, everyone when thinking about their parents doing it says “eeew” even though we all know that had they not ever done this we would not be here.

I think headphones or loud TV is the best way to deal if your not going to talk with them about it. I’m sure they don’t like being heard. But they don’t have much choice other than to do it out in the car or something.

You sound like a good kid, sex is not a big deal really, all kinds of people do it everyday. Be glad your mom and dad are doing it. And be glad you are a virgin too.

Answer #13

it is normal just drown the sound of them …well you know out with some cradle of fith songs lolz

Answer #14

Get some earphones or ear plugs…and pray that when you’re in your fifties you’ll be enjoying yourself as much!


Answer #15

I think it is best to use ear plugs

Answer #16

Talk to your mom trust me I did I told them that I can hear them she understood and told me that they’ll be more quiet.

Answer #17

get an ipod!!

Answer #18

This is an interesting question. I am the parent, and I feel equaly uncomfortable having sex in the house while my kids are home. They are in their early twenties. I don’t know why but it really bothers me. We try to be quiet, stifle noises, have fun only when the kids are out, and when they come home in the middle of the day and we’re both hurriedly dressing and red faced pretending we’re cleaning out the basement. omg, why does life have to be so restricted? They roll their eyes and think, oh lordy, they are too old to be doing that and why can’t they just stop already… I can see it in their faces.

We can’t talk about it with them. I like to think of myself as uninhibited and open, but this is the door I face. I wonder why there is so much embarrassment. Sex to me now, is about a billion times better than it was when I was 25. But I feel like we have to go get a hotel room.

I guess it all comes down to soundproof rooms and discretion. LOL.

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