My mom is being so... Ugh... ?

My mom bought me a hair straightner then she took it way because she said its bad for my hair and that I am not responslble enough for it and would probably end up burning the house down!!!… And omg I am mad! I was so happy when she gave it to me as an early present for christmas!!! How can I get her to give it back to me?? Would you be mad if someone gave you something you loved then took it back because they think your not responsible???

Answer #1

Maybe your mom really did have misgivings about giving it to you because of possible hair damaging issues.

Maybe you could have a calm talk with her and ask her what you need to do to demonstrate greater responsibility to her. Don’t stay upset with her. Really try to work WITH her.

You are at an age where it is natural to have conflicts with your parents. It’s sort of like you and them live in different worlds. Over time you will grow to understand and appreciate them more and they will more readily accept you and your different world.

Just think well and positive about yourself and do things that tend to promote family harmony when you are with family. When with your friends, act responsible and live according to the values with which you have been raised.

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