My mom and cheerleading?

My mom knows how much cheerleading means to me and the season starts in May. I need to start taking classes as soon as possible and she keeps putting it off. What do I do?

Answer #1

I used to cheer and I loved it just tell her in all it makes you a happier person, I mean when you cheer they tell you to stay confident and to smile, it also is fitness to it may not be a sport as in throwing balls or playing basketball but its just as fun and competitive.

Answer #2

Im paying for all of it by myself.

Answer #3

Well, I´m a cheerleadier myself (LOOOVES IT!!!) and sometimes my mom is all “ but, Nora wouldn´t you rather play the piano?.. and all that crap”. If you want it, then do what takes. Do not nag (tho it can work, but that will take a lot of energy and screaming), think of rational reasons, use your words well, be sort of “adult-like” and try to make her understand how she would feel if her mother always put off the things that are important to her. Just simply make her see how much you want this and how strong your dedication is (and you´ve said you have, but you need to make it even clearer, but do not nag”. Parents love when their children are dedicated.

Anyway I hope I helped :):) Have a nice christmas and new year!

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