My funest survey yet!! =)

Okay… So I’ve made up 2 fun questions/suveys in the past… And people have told me to make better/longer ones… So if you’re bored…here it is =) enjoy!

  1. What are you thinking right now?

  2. What about now?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?

  5. What would you do with a brick?

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?

  8. What kind or animal would you be?

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy”) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?

  7. What is your greatest fear?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?

  13. Why are you doing this survey?

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

Answer #1
  1. What are you thinking right now? NOTHING
  2. What about now? STILL NOTHING
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? UMM MAYBE
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? YES
  5. What would you do with a brick? HIT SOMEONE
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? COLD
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? APPLE
  8. What kind or animal would you be? HORSE
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? DO WHAT ALL MEN DO LOL
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? NOPE
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol NO
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? YES
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? SOMETIMES
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? YES!!!
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YES
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? YES
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? HMMM ATE A BOWL OF MY DOGS FOOD..EWWW
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? HAVENT DOME ANY
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? SUMMER NO SCHOOL!!!
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? TWILIGHT
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? NEVER, YES IT DOES! 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) PEOPLE
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) JEANS, BROWN TANK TOP AND GRAY SWEATER
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES!!!
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? YES EVERDAY!
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? ANY SOUND MY SISTER MAKES
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? YES AND YES
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 6
  28. What is your greatest fear? PEOPLE WHO KILL
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? AVATAR POWER(WATER EARTH FIRE AND AIR) PULL RANDOM JOKES ON people
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? VET… HORSE TRAINER
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 11 7TH GRADE. TO GET MY BEST FRIEND BACK
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? MASHED POTATOES AND BBQ
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? YES
  34. Why are you doing this survey? BORED
  35. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) NO
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? NEVER NOTICED
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? SURE
Answer #2
  1. What are you thinking right now?sarah

  2. What about now?this survey n selena and sarah

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? haha yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yeah

  5. What would you do with a brick?throw it at a windo

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? lol I don’t know

  8. What kind or animal would you be? defintly a dog

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? I would explore my new body then kill my self

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes and I was

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes and no I dont

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?well I where girl pants sometime but I mainly stick to guys

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? ummm yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? no

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? no

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?yes

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?uhh I went off a 2 story house on a skate board

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? if I told you id have to kill you hahaha but not much

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?winter because I like to cuddle with sarah under the covers but selena jumps in randomly lol but its fun

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? my friend drop kicking a random person

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never and yes

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) b*tchy parents

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) NOTHING haha but volcom shorts no shirt

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?no when I lived and my old house my friends watched this chick fight another chick and a bedroom haha

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? crickets

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?yes and when the monster poped up scared the sh*t out of me

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 2

  7. What is your greatest fear? being alone

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? stop time power, I would rob banks BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF PEOPLE I HATE and OTHER STUFF

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I dont want to

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?ewww katchup in eggs

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yes a lil bit

  13. Why are you doing this survey? im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no and I will

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no because im a dumbass

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and yes

Answer #3
  1. What are you thinking right now? what to wear tonight

  2. What about now? why are u asking me the same question

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?yeah

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yeah

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it at someone

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? apple

  8. What kind or animal would you be? dog

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? look at alll the body parts

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? no

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yeahhh

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yeahhh

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I don’t know

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? steaked

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? drinking

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? winter because of the clothes

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a lot

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? noo

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) I don’t know

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) nothing jsut got to outta the shower

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yeah and I have

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?noo

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? tick tock

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yeah

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  7. What is your greatest fear? the dark

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying and invisble and x ray vision

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a veterian but no wi want to be famous

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 5th grade.. it was a lot of fun

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? grilled cheese and ketchup

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yea

  13. Why are you doing this survey? because im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I don’t know

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?no

Answer #4
  1. What are you thinking right now? What do I say to thins guy

  2. What about now? what I should say to this guy

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? ya sure

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? ya XD

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it at someone just kidding

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a pear

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a white tiger

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? depends who this person was LOL

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? ya once

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… when I was little in my closet

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? ya kinda

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm ya somtimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I guess

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? ya

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? umm…

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? a couple =P

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? I like winter and summer they’re just beautiful times of the year.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Im not sure

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont want to even go there lol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) ya when people ask me the same thing over and over again

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) lol my pj’s

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? OH Ya

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no not really

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my alarm clock..

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes and omg yes one time I was watching this horror fim in a creepy basement…

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 5

  7. What is your greatest fear? That I would fail on my true purpose

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? be invisible so because I can dissapear when a situation that I might get introuble on

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a photographer/directior person I don’t know and now im still trying to figure that out…

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I wouldnt want to go back in any grade and age I don’t know

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? mashed potatoes with white rice

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope

  13. Why are you doing this survey? bored…very bored..

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) lol mkay

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? No I didnt and have no idea

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and yes you should…

Answer #5
  1. what sould my sis be for holloween.
  2. This list is way to long
  3. Yes
  4. No way
  5. Crush it at least try to
  6. Cold
  7. Pinnapple 8.Dog
  8. I would not be suprised people always say I am like a boy
  9. No
  10. Yes and somtimes I think somthing is chassing me LOL
  11. Yes
  12. No … I guess I say ummm a lot I am skiping to # 18
  13. Taken of my shirt and bra and dances
Answer #6
  1. What are you thinking right now? I don’t know

  2. What about now? um…what I should write for the talent show

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? HEELL YEAHH!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? um…not that I no of.

  5. What would you do with a brick? a brick? ask for some more so I could build a house

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? watermelon

  8. What kind or animal would you be? phoenix

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? go emo!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yep

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Sometimes. [:

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Oh, they do.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Yep

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Er…noo

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yes

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes. I usually pray that I don’t

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? jumped off the high dive backwards

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? maybe 6, 3 without knowing it was illegal

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer. Warm. Heat. Beach!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Lightning

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?yes it does,I always kick stuff there

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) people wearing clothes that dont match

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) clothes.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? OMG YEEAHH! who wouldnt

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? haha, yeah. sometimes you need ‘da scoop’

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? tapping

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?no

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 9

  7. What is your greatest fear? uh…the world coming to an end, and not knowing why or being able to do anything about it

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying, for getting around without having to tell anyone

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? vet/actress

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I wouldnt. that would suck

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? um…pintos with cream

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I have no life…well I sorta do

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? because I dont pay attention to stuff like that

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? sure.

Answer #7
  1. What are you thinking right now? I have tons of stuff to do before school starts, and how much I dont want to do it.

  2. What about now? same thing. lol.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? both, I pretty much sing all the time, I dont really care. lol.

  5. What would you do with a brick? uh, throw it?

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? ugh, being hot. I love being cold.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? miracle fruit!

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a zebra!

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? wondering what happened. o.O

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? uh, nope, dont think so.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I used to when I was little under my bed, but not anymore.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? I’ve seen guys wear girl clothes, its called drag queens (:

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? I try not to , but it usually happens.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? hm.. I dont think so.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? sadly, yes.

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes, and hopefully I dont. because I look much better in a mirror compared to in pictures. lol.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? not much of a daredevil.. I guess just going swimming in freezing water in like feb.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? hm.. three?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? winter, because I love the cold.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? im not sure.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont think I’ve ever swept under there… and im sure it does need to be.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) the feeling of a wooden stick, like in a popsicle, in my mouth .

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) a black t-shirt, and sweatpants.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? absolutely. theres one girl I would love to hit.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? yeah , they are idiots. its fun to watch.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? hmm, I dont know.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? psh , no. I love scary movies, but I cant watch them alone.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? like a 8.

  7. What is your greatest fear? hm , a tie between spiders and failure.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I’d want to fly, to get places faster.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a teacher, but now that im older, I want to be either a vet or marine biologist.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I’d love to be three again. no school, and my parents would still be together. (:

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? uh, I guess the weirdest thing is tuna fish and mac and cheese mixed together.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope, I just ate dinner.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? because im extremely bored.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) nope.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? nope, and probably just to make people wonder why not.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yeah, it was pretty fun , and yes, you should make another one ! :D

Answer #8

Okay… So I’ve made up 2 fun questions/suveys in the past… And people have told me to make better/longer ones… So if you’re bored…here it is =) enjoy!

  1. What are you thinking right now?About hot guys

  2. What about now?this survay

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? HELL YA

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?YA

  5. What would you do with a brick?nothin

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?strawberry

  8. What kind or animal would you be?puppy

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?check my self out lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?YES AT SLEEP OVERS SOMETIMES I THINK IM IN MY ROOM

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… LolI CHECK UNDER MY BED EVRY NITE AND IM 13

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’)ya but guys can’t wear girl clothes?YA

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences?UMMM…YUP

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?I don’t know

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?YA

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?YA

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? TOOK MY TOP OFF IN MY BACK YARD AS A ARE

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?WINTER SNOW

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?BACKFLIP

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?NOPE

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) MY MOMS NAGGIN

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) ABERCROMBIE SHORTS A SPEGETTI STAP TANK AND VINYARD VINE BELT

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?YA

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? HAHA YES

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?SCREAMIN

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?YA

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  7. What is your greatest fear? PEOPLE IGNORIN ME HAHA

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?READ MINDS

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? PREK

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? MCDANALDS FRIES AND CERAR DRESSIN

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?YUP

  13. Why are you doing this survey?IM BORED

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) NO

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? ITS UNLUCKY

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? ITS OK

Answer #9


Answer #10
  1. What are you thinking right now?what to answer

  2. What about now?NOTHING!!! hehe

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? mabey…

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?no old songs

  5. What would you do with a brick? I would tell it a story!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot lol

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? BANUBERRY!

  8. What kind or animal would you be?a 3 legged dalmation lol

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? look at my dick

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?TOTALLY

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol YEAH LOL not anymore tho

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?yeah then can but they get called some bad things

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm yeah like a lot!

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?my singing voice!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah! that is weird

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? haha all the time

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?uhhh I dont want to say ;)

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?none

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?WINTER!!! because it is cold and I love the snow

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?ME!!! want to know why!!?? because it isnt fair people get to stare at me all day and I only get glimpses

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? possibly and no never have

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)tissues

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)green abercrombie pants and red shirt

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? lol yeah when I was little me and my friends would sneak thru a broken fence board and sneak around their house and knock on random windows!!! hehe(they STILL think the house is haunted)

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my alarm clock

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?YEAH and YEAH

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 4/5

  7. What is your greatest fear?feet and people lol just kidding about the people

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I would want to bend water lol

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a evil princess. news reporter/model, a student.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? well I would start my life over.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? vanilla shake wih frenchfries

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?no

  13. Why are you doing this survey?because I want to GOT A PROBLEM

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)yep

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? your superstictios???

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?yeah

Answer #11
  1. What are you thinking right now? uhm…idkk. this survey? lol

  2. What about now? same.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? unfortunately, no.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? nahh. I like new ones. =] lol

  5. What would you do with a brick? paint it. lol I don’t know random.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? HOT. omg.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? banana =)

  8. What kind or animal would you be? doggiee omg yesss

  9. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 9

  10. What is your greatest fear? heights…drowning

  11. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? invisibility. everything

  12. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? not sure

  13. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? kindergarten. it was awesomely ahmazing

  14. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? chicken and italian dressing. lol?

  15. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? now? no. sometimes? yes

  16. Why are you doing this survey? random boredom

  17. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no. lol

  18. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? nooo. I did not. sorry. hahaha

  19. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? it wass iight. yeah sure. =)

Answer #12
  1. What are you thinking right now? A Boy.

  2. What about now? A Boy.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Uhh, Yeah Sure, Why Not.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yes I Do.

  5. What would you do with a brick? Honestly If It Was Just Sitting Here In Front Of Me, Id Just Start Chipping At It, Aha.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Uhh, Kiwi :)

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Puppy.

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Laugh!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? All The Time!!!

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Aha, Yes. And No I Always Think There Is Someone In My House Though, I Always Hear Noises.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? When Guys Wear Girl Clothes, They Are Gay. Duh.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? I Say Like Too Much.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I Hum When I Color, I Dont Realize I Do, Til Someone Pints It Out Though.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yes, I Sound Like I Am Five!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Lol, Uh No.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Ugh, I Dont Even Know.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? Nothing Really.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? I Like All Of Them In There Own Special Way.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Hmm, I Couldnt Tell Ya.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I Dont Do That, Thats My Mommys Job. And Yeah Probably.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When People Eat Bananas, I CANT STAND THAT SOUND OMG!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Soffee Shorts And A Hollistaaa Hoodie.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Lmao, YES OF COURSE!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Aha, Not Mine But My Cousin’s.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? When My Phone Interfers With The TV or Computer or Radio.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? I Cant Watch Scary Movies Alone.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? When Im With Someone And Watching One, Like 11 :D

  7. What is your greatest fear? Someone I Love Dieing.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Read Peopes Mind, And So I Could Read Peoples Minds Lol.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? When I Was Little A Teacher. Now I Want To Be A Magazine Editor For A Fashion Magazine.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Ninth, I Would Do Some Things Over Again.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Hotsauce And Rice Lol. Ranch And Pizza. Ranch And Fries. Ranch And Baked Potatoes.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? HA! YES! Cause Of That Last Question.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? Bored Out Of My Mind.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) No I Havent.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? No I Did Not Notice. And Maybe You Dont Like That Number?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? It Was Interesting. And Yeah.

Answer #13

Funest isn’t a word. If it was it’d be spelled ‘funnest’

Answer #14
  1. What are you thinking right now? why I am soo stupid
  2. What about now? same thing
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? I would do that for free
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? who doesnt
  5. What would you do with a brick? through it at you
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? both
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? an orange
  8. What kind or animal would you be? none
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? touch my weiner
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yup!!!
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes…and yes
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yes they can
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yup
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I dont think so
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? omg yes all the time
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? ha yes
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? jumped off ten stairs
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I couldnt count on both hands and feet
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? fall…its pretty
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? me in the mirror
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dunno and probably not 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) probably…
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) my uniform and a hoodie
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? of course
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? pfft..who hasnt
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? laughing
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes and YES!!
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 20
  28. What is your greatest fear? spiders
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? hmm…heat vision…im always cold
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a doctor…a corener
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? none
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? hmm…sweet and sour sause and ketchup
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope
  34. Why are you doing this survey? uhuh
  35. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) nope
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? nope
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

hey do what ever floats your boat

Answer #15
  1. What are you thinking right now? why am I taking this survey

  2. What about now? this survey is stupid. not fun =]

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yeah son

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at your face

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? an orange

  8. What kind or animal would you be? panda

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? fricken scream and go get a sex change! lmao.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yeah

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Yea but not anymore

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yes

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? all the time baby

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yesss

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yea!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah =]

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? probably snuck into my crushes house and stole his guitar pic and snuck back out. seriously it was a dare because he always has his window open and his screen on the window has a tiny hole and I can reach through it and unlock the screen =].

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? like 500 things. [downloading them from limewire is illegal]

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer. the beach!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I don’t know! so many

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? like last week. yes I do it gets very dirty I just did it last week for the first time for like a year =]

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) cheese! it looks and smells funny but it tastes SOOO GOOD!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) a shirt and jeans with shoes

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yeah man!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? yeah my crush lives right across from me!

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? that guy that says the commercials. his voice is annoying!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? No I havent. its to scary!

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10 dude. 10.

  7. What is your greatest fear? dyeing.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? to have every super power. I would use it for fun like if I could fly, to fly to places instead of walk.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

I wanted to be a farmer =], then a zoo keeper, now a vetinarian/

  1. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? uhm kindergarden. it was easy and fun

  2. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?

mayonnaise with salad.

  1. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yes

  2. Why are you doing this survey? I had nothing better to do. plus waiting for people to write back to my question.

  3. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) 2 of em

  4. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no. because you wanted a question 38?

  5. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? No I didnt! and no you shouldnt!! =]

Answer #16
  1. What are you thinking right now?dammit sign on! (bff)

  2. What about now?im homesick=[[

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? haha depends wood I get arrested or sumthin? lol if not then HELLZ YA!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?maaabbbeee…ok ya

  5. What would you do with a brick?throw it!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?mango!=b lol

  8. What kind or animal would you be?a tiger!..I don’t know why I just like them lol

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? pee standing up!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?haha yes!

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol…ya when I was little ..under my bed lol and no I dont anymore

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?hahaha no not really but now that you bring it up…?

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences?I say um sonetimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?nope but sum of my frends do that 2 me!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?ya

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?yep!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?hhhmmm…I don’t know?

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?probably a lot..

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?summer! I luv the sun!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?…not sure

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?never have and probably duz

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)when people say brb on aim then dont cum back (first thing that popped into my head)

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)black basketball shorts and a really cute tanktop

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? miley cyris! I hate her!!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?haha no

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?my lil cuzins voice!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?yes and duh

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? eh ill giv it a 2 or 3

  7. What is your greatest fear?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?the power to read minds…id c wut people are really thinking of course!

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?a vetrinarian and I still want to b one

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?can I go forward in time? I dont like my past…

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?I like a grilled cheese sandwich w/ ketchup…great now im hungry…

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?ya I just sed that!

  13. Why are you doing this survey?im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)I think so

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?lmao no I didnt! do you have anything ugenst the #13??lol

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?yes and yes!:)

Answer #17
  1. What are you thinking right now? I’m wondering if this is as fun as you say it is

  2. What about now? Now Daughtry’s What About Now is in my head, thanks.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? No, that’s rude.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Haha yeah

  5. What would you do with a brick? Uhh..look at it and walk away

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Being hot, I fall asleep easier being cold actually

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? The kind that people don’t eat,,,haha

  8. What kind or animal would you be? One that never gets killed lol

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Try to find out why I woke up as a guy

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yep

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed? Nah, did you?

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Not really, but now I wonder why girls can wear guy clothes but guys can’t wear girl clothes.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Umm..yeah. Lol

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yeah, I play the flute, and to train myself to tongue faster I have to make this ‘t-t-t-t’ noise and it makes my family so mad

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yeah, I sound like a really boring girl/guy lol

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yeah, when I take pictures of myself I think I look pretty before I take a picture and after I’m like, OMG

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I’m only 13, but I’ve done a of them would be sneaking up to the third floor (which is for disabled people and vip seats) at a baseball game with my school.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? like, zero. haha

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer, because I get to wear whatever I want (strapless dresses, sundresses, shorts.) and there’s no school, lol.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? David Cook doing handstands and bouncing a ball on his head 12 times in a row..doesn’t seem like something He’d do.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Uhh…I have no clue. It probably does lol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When my friend texts me and says “Nick Jonas totally wants me”

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Jean shorts and a white tanktop

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? HAHA yeah

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no, but mine spy on me…often.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? when the door squeaks (I spelled that wrong..)

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes and Yes

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10 lol

  7. What is your greatest fear? Dying

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I would have the power to fly so I could..uhh..ya know..soar..with the..birds. lol

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a teacher, now I want to be an author or actress

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Kindergarten. Things were so much simpler then. haha.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Umm..probably a chicken sandwich with chips and mac and cheese on it.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Not now..

  13. Why are you doing this survey? Because I like surveys

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) Nope lol

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I don’t pay attention to stuff like that..and maybe because you skipped 13 and didn’t feel like going back to add it

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yup.

Answer #18
  1. What are you thinking RIGHT NOW? I love this song

  2. What about NOW? wierd question lol

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? in the car sometimes

  5. What would you do with a brick? id want to throw it in a car window but I wont

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold duh lol

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? hhhmm grapes I think

  8. What kind or animal would you be? cheetah

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? most likely be freaked

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes it was funny

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… do you still?… lol never

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? no

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? yes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yeah

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? dont know

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes a lot

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? so many things hahaha

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? 4 or 5

  19. What’s your favorite season? why? fall or winter I like the cold

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? mayhem fest

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont do that

23.What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

     squeaky noises
  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) uuhhh clothes

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? most likely dont know who though

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no never I hate spying I feel nosy

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? didnt I just say squeaky noises hahaha

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… did you get scared? yes and not really

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? probably 7

  7. What is your greatest fear? not so sure

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… what would you use it for? teleportation, pretty self explanitory

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? what do you want to be now/what are you now? I dont remember and im not so sure

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? why? I wouldnt want to I don’t know y

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. yummy!)? mmm I have no idea

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no I feel like puking lol

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I was bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) yeah

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… why do you think that is? no I didnt no I dont even know y

  16. Did you find this survey fun? and should I make another one? yeah you should its pretty cool

Answer #19

this seems cool(: dont know who’s going to read it though!

  1. What are you thinking right now? why my ex is so pathetic!

  2. What about now? wondering what song I should listen to by chiodos

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? of course

  5. What would you do with a brick? put it in my purse incase if someone tried to kill me I could smack em’

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? watermelon

  8. What kind of animal would you be? a giraffe, sinse I am so tall

  9. If you wake up the next morning and found out you were the opposite sex, what would you do? scream and tell my mom

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yep

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?yes Do you still? yes I do, I know that theres a creepy ghost girl under there

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yes

  13. Are you one of those people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? I say uhm very rarely, and I never say like

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? aha yes

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YES! I hate it

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yep

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? took off my shirt and ran around a park? or when I climbed up a HUGE full fledged ice hill and I was about to fall down until I grabbed a pine tree branch and swung myself around to the top

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? 3

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? fall,because I love the colours of the leaves, and the air is different, and its close to halloween, I don’t know something about fall is just amazing

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? big huge bean thing in chicago

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? like 7 years ago, and probably!

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) when someone KNOWS when im right and when I have proven to them theyre wrong, but they still pick fights to prove IM wrong

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) boyshorts, bra, tanktop, hollister long sleeved shirt, and jeans(:

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? aha yep

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? little kids screaming

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes to both

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 4

  7. What is your greatest fear? heights

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? read minds, to find out what people are thinking of me

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a waitress, I now want to be a veterinarian technician

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 8, everything just needs to be redone and fixed

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? well I like to eat d’italiano buns with diana sauce pepperjack

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope

  13. Why are you doing this survey? because im bored waiting for my mom to finish getting ready

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) nope

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no clue, maybe because your scared of friday the 13th, or it mistakenly got deleted and you couldnt remember what you had so you just moved onto 14 lol

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? YES! for my boredism

Answer #20
  1. What are you thinking right now?dammit sign on! (bff)

  2. What about now?im homesick=[[

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? haha depends wood I get arrested or sumthin? lol if not then HELLZ YA!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?maaabbbeee…ok ya

  5. What would you do with a brick?throw it!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?mango!=b lol

  8. What kind or animal would you be?a tiger!..I don’t know why I just like them lol

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? pee standing up!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?haha yes!

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol…ya when I was little ..under my bed lol and no I dont anymore

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?hahaha no not really but now that you bring it up…?

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences?I say um sonetimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?nope but sum of my frends do that 2 me!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?ya

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?yep!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?hhhmmm…I don’t know?

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?probably a lot..

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?summer! I luv the sun!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?…not sure

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?never have and probably duz

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)when people say brb on aim then dont cum back (first thing that popped into my head)

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)black basketball shorts and a really cute tanktop

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? miley cyris! I hate her!!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?haha no

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?my lil cuzins voice!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?yes and duh

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? eh ill giv it a 2 or 3

  7. What is your greatest fear?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?the power to read minds…id c wut people are really thinking of course!

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?a vetrinarian and I still want to b one

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?can I go forward in time? I dont like my past…

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?I like a grilled cheese sandwich w/ ketchup…great now im hungry…

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?ya I just sed that!

  13. Why are you doing this survey?im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)I think so

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?lmao no I didnt! do you have anything ugenst the #13??lol

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?yes and yes!:)

Answer #21
  1. What are you thinking RIGHT NOW? Dammit she was right! Don’t ask why…

  2. What about NOW? what the f*ck?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah duh…

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? nooo…

  5. What would you do with a brick? Nothing

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? tomato

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Something dangerous I hope : /

  9. If you wake up the next morning and found out you were the opposite sex, what would you do? Shot myself

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yup

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… do you still? Yesh but I think it died, it smells really bad under my bed.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No, because they cant fit duh…

  13. Are you one of those people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? noo

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? what?!!? no

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? oh yea

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? no..

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Ride my bike on the wrong side of the road.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? lots

  19. What’s your favorite season? why? winter…snowboarding

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? fire!!

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… do you think it needs sweeping under there? I don’t know, probably 23.What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) Girls acting weird >_<

  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) What if it is nothing?

  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? The person who wrote this quiz

  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? noo

  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my alarm clock

  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… did you get scared? Nope

  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 3 and 7/8

  28. What is your greatest fear? water

  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… what would you use it for? heliport and I’d use it to teleport

  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? what do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a power ranger. lol

  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? why? I think Id go back 2 years and redue some stuff. : /

  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. yummy!)?

peanut butter and jelly

  1. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Holy crap I am. Is this witch craft?
  2. Why are you doing this survey?

because Im bored

  1. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I don’t know if you have any others…
  2. Did you notice there was no question 13?… why do you think that is?

I did…what is this world coming too?

  1. Did you find this survey fun? and should I make another one?

it was okay

Answer #22
  1. What are you thinking right now? A boy in my class.
  2. What about now? Still a boy.
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Yes!
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? No.
  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at my brother. LOL!
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Hot.
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Banana,
  8. What kind or animal would you be? Koala bear. Im cute! lol
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Scream!!
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Lol. Many times.
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I use, to. Any sometimes. LO!L
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Mmm.. I don’t know. Never thought of it Hey there not ? 13,
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Yes.
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? aaaribaaah!! lol
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yes. Many times.
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yea.
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done I dont know.
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? None.
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Spring. My birthdy!
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? A jb concert, or demi lovato.
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Never!! 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) My
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Black jeans. and an areopostale shirt.
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Yes.
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Maybeee…!! okay yes!!
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? My brother, talking lol
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes. And Yes. Double wammy!
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10 +
  28. What is your greatest fear? Not fufilling my dreams.
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Fly maybe. So I could fly to school.
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I WANTED to be an astronmer (study space). But now my heart is set on singer/actress.
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 4th grade. I was popular. and had tons of friends.
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Beans, and weeniers. Lmfao!!
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Yes!!
  34. Why are you doing this survey? Cause Im bored.
  35. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) N…YES!!
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? O my gosh!! I did notice. To sike people out like me!
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

Yes. It was fun.

Answer #23
  1. What are you thinking right now?

      about a book I read
  2. What about now?

      how nosey you are..  just kidding just kidding
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

      I don't know probably.
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?

  5. What would you do with a brick?

      start building a house
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?

      being hot, because if you are cold you can just bundle up in blankets
  7. What kind of fruit would you be?

      a pomogranite
  8. What kind or animal would you be?

      I would be a pelican
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?

      try to find out why I didn't know sooner
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol

     pshhh... nooo...
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?

     well they could, but they might have a hard time makin friends...
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences?

    um, like DUH!!
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?

     yeah I drum my fingers in this certian rythem.  it is really wierd.. and I can only 
     do it with my right hand... but if I did it on the key board it would spell j;jlkj;j
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?

     yeah it always sounds wierd when I record my voicemail on my cell 
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?

     not really..
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

     not really sure...
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?

     you mean like against the law?  I don't think I have ever broken the law
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?

    fall.  it is so pretty with all the red and orange  leaves and its cooler
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?

     Nastia Liuken's floor routine (gymnast)
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?

     what would be the point of sweeping under there?  who's gunna look?

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

     you know how like with velvet if you touch it, then it goes a different way and its a dif color??  yeah that gets on my nerves if it all doesnt' go the same way
  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)

     does a bracelet count as something?? haha just kidding just kidding  I am in my pj's
  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?

     heck yesss!
  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?

     people who smack their gum, 
  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?

     yes and heck yes
  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?

  7. What is your greatest fear?

Answer #24
  1. What are you thinking right now?That I want a horse

  2. What about now?That I want a horse

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Probably not…cause what if there was a person who really needed help and now I could have potentially killed them:(

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?Yup

  5. What would you do with a brick?Throw it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?kiwi or strawberry…or cherry…this is a hard question:(

  8. What kind or animal would you be?horse(wild)

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?scream

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?yup

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol-yes and sometimes:(

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?hummm not until I saw this question…now I want to know:(

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?sometimes but only when I’m nervous

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?yes…its fun:)

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YES!!!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?Yup

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?well…I’ve gone parasailing…but I dont think that counts

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?I don’t know…none I hope

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?summer…NO SCHOOL!!!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?my beautiful face…jkjkjk…horses…to be specific…my favorite horse:) I love him:)

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?I don’t know and yes

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)haha well when people are tapping their feet really loud in band…its really annoying

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)uggs,jeans, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?nope

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?yup

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?birds in the morning…they sound so cheerful and I like, want to kill somebody when its early

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?nope

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?10

  7. What is your greatest fear?lossing a leg cause then I couldn’t ride horses, or loosing an arm cause then I couldn’y play flute

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?the ability to comnvince anybody to get me whatever I want, I would use it to get a horse

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?a teacher when I was little, now a band director or an endocrinologist

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?6th grade…because it was so easy academic wise

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?umm apples and penut butter…if that counts as weird

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?nope

  13. Why are you doing this survey?cause I’m really bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)I don’t know

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?no and I think it was so you could ask this question

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yea sure…it was fun:)

Answer #25
  1. What are you thinking right now? how to answer this question.

  2. What about now? the answer to THIS question.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? no, I’d go to jail and be unable to use my money :O

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? of course.

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? guava. —> very unique

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a puppy.

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? check myself out ;D

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yup, sometimes I am…

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes and yes

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? they can! theres a word for that too :)

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? yup

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes siiree

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? omg yes!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? ya its quite odd really

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? unable to share

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? why are you going to rat me out :O

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? spring, I love sun showers

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a snake eat a mouse

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? probably but im sure it’ll be fine for another day…week…month…year…

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) chewing with oyur mouth open

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Pjs

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? he** ya!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? who doesn’t?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? the voice of a family member

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? ya thats why theyre called scary movies

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  7. What is your greatest fear? dying

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying to entertain myself (im no hero)

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? vet now I have NO idea

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? id want to be in kindergarten, guys still had cooties and you could ask people “do you want to be my friend?” life was sooo simple in the good ol’ days

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? french fries with choc. milkshake, I love mac and cheese w/ ketchup too though!

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope I just ate cookies

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I have no life

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I think I did one other :S

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? hey I love the number 13! (no I never noticed :P)

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes you should!!!

Hey I have a question for you… Did you read my answers? If you did tell me. -Jess

Answer #26

hmmm I dont know what happened to all my questions and answers LOL

Answer #27
  1. What are you thinking right now? about this boy

  2. What about now? same thing haha

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? a million bucks? heck yeah!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? not old songs but I do sing in the shower (:

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it at someones window and run hehe

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? umm cold!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I’d be a blue berry duh

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a cat (;

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? take off my clothes lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yeah haha

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol not a monster buut I did always think there was a canabal coming to eat me

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yeah its laaame

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yesss! all the time haha

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? umm no

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah I sound so stupid omg

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah lol

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? umm am not saying hehe

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I don’t really do illegal things

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer, cause sun makes me happy!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a pink cloud lmao

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? umm am I suppose to sweep under there? lol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) when people like look me in the eyes! Its so creepy!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) nothing lol jk hello kitty sweat pants and a t shirt (:

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? heck yeah!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no haha

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my alarm clock!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yeah I have and kinda

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? umm like 3

  7. What is your greatest fear? ending up like my mum or dad..

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I would read peoples minds hehe

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a singer/song writer and now a singer/song writer!

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I would be 6.. so everything could be perfect agian my mum and dad back together.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? mac and cheese ketchup bacon bits?? Gaross! I guess I don’t have a weird mixture of food I like

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yeah!

  13. Why are you doing this survey? cause I should be doing my work haha

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) nopee

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no I didn’t tell meee lol (:

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes yes make more :D

Answer #28
  1. What are you thinking right now?
  • what time Jaydens doctors appointment is tomorrow
  1. What about now?
  • why my niece just walked into my door and found it funny so she done it again lmao
  1. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?
  • yeah , need the money
  1. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?
  • yeah , not alone often though lol
  1. What would you do with a brick?
  • put it somewhere that my daughter wont get hurt by it
  1. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?
  • cold
  1. What kind of fruit would you be?
  • strawberry
  1. What kind or animal would you be?
  • horse
  1. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?
  • be freaked out && probably faint
  1. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?
  • yes lol
  1. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol
  • yes , but not anymoree
  1. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?
  • havnt really thought about it before
  1. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?
  • umm well yeh kind of like if I was thinking bout something else
  1. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?
  • yeah the noises I make at my daughter everyone stares at me in a funny way
  1. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?
  • yes
  1. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? sometimes

  2. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

  • dont know
  1. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?
  • 3
  1. What’s your favorite season? Why?
  • summer , dont like having to wrap my daughter up in layers of cold she gets uncomftorable
  1. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?
  • my daughters baby scan
  1. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?
  • yesterday lol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

  • don’t know
  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)
  • p.j’s
  1. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?
  • yes
  1. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?
  • yes but only because my sister lives next door haha
  1. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?
  • hoover
  1. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?
  • yes , yes
  1. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?
  • 6
  1. What is your greatest fear?
  • waking up on a morning
  1. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? making my baby sleep longer

  2. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

  • I wanted to be a model , but I got pregnant && now have strech marks so its gone down the drain but my baby is worth it
  1. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?
  • I wouldnt
  1. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?
  • pasta beans && cheese with mayonaise
  1. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?
  • no just eaten
  1. Why are you doing this survey?
  • bored
  1. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) -no

  2. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?

  • no lol , dont know
  1. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?
  • yes
Answer #29
  1. What are you thinking right now? SHOULD I BE ANSWERING THIS QUIZ OR STUDYING

  2. What about now? SAME THING

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? YES

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? OH YEAH

  5. What would you do with a brick? HIT MY STEPMOTHER

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? HOT WHEN TRYING TO SLEEP

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? ORANGE

  8. What kind or animal would you be? A BIRD

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? HMMM…

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? NOT REALLY

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol YES

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? NOPE

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? KINDA

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? NOPE

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? LOL YEAH

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? NO

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I CANT REMEMBER

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? NONE

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? SUMMER…I DON’T KNOW

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? CAN’T REMEMBER

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? NEVER

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) UNTIDYINESS

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) BOXERS AND A TOP

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? YES

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? MY STEPMOTHER TALKING

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? KINDA

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 5

  7. What is your greatest fear? A TIE BETWEEN DYING AND THE DARK

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? INVISIBILITY

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? TEAACHER…MANAGER/CONSULTANT

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 19

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? DON’T KNOW BUT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER IT WAS BREAD AND KETCHUP

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? NO I JUST ATE

  13. Why are you doing this survey? BORED

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) YES

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? NOPE..WAS JUST ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? SURE

Answer #30
  1. What are you thinking RIGHT NOW? *This survey will take me about 20 minutes to complete :)

  2. What about NOW? *My stomache itches

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? *hell, yeahh

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? *Yeahh, and new songs too

  5. What would you do with a brick? *Put it on my shelf and name it Samual

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? *Cold cause I always wake up while sleeping when hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? *A pomagrant

  8. What kind or animal would you be? *A hawk

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? *Wonder what just happend…

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? *Always

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… do you still?… lol *Most of the time so I always turn my light on and off the whole night so I never get any sleep

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? *Cause guys probably don’t want to lose their ~manly-ness~

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? *Only “ummm” when I forgot what I was saying

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? *I like to go “weee” very high pitched and quiet in peoples ears

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? *All the time and I sound pretty funky

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? *yupp

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? *I’m not sure

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? *three, I think

  19. What’s your favorite season? why? *Spring and Summer…everything looks so alive and you actualloy have a life around that time

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? *An eclipse

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… do you think it needs sweeping under there? *UGH, never…I don’t want to…don’t want to know whats under there../

23.What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) *When people go “lol” or when dudes wear flip flops

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) *Hehe, my hellokitty bottoms and a black tank top that makes me feel pregnet

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? *This chick name Marissa in my old algebra class…can’t stand her

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? *once cause they we’re spying back..

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? *Ambulance sirens…just the thought of someone dying..

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… did you get scared? *yupp…kinda sota got scared

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? *about six-ish

  7. What is your greatest fear? *I’ll get melted by a volcano eruption

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… what would you use it for? *Mind reader…to read minds…

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? what do you want to be now/what are you now? *I wanted to be a vet or artist when I was small but now I want to open up my own little shop

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? why? *Age 12/13, seventh grade…I had more friends then, sad to say

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. yummy!)? *milk with coffee creamer in it ((yum-o))…though that is a liquid,eh?

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? *All the time

  13. Why are you doing this survey? *Seems fun and makes you think

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) *I think I’ve done one with ‘blue or green’ in it…I think it’s yours

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… why do you think that is? *I read this question first while copying these questions in my reply box and I still forgot…

  16. Did you find this survey fun? and should I make another one? *Hells, yeah…though it takes me half an hour to complete it with all th thinking and what not…

I freakin’ love your random surveys…different from any other I’ve done Kudos

Answer #31

Okay… So I’ve made up 2 fun questions/suveys in the past… And people have told me to make better/longer ones… So if you’re bored…here it is =) enjoy!

  1. What are you thinking right now? “I want real friends. I have no one to hang out with.”

  2. What about now? “I’m bored and lonely. I miss KC.”

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? umm. I don’t sing in the shower. maybe in the car. I don’t know.

  5. What would you do with a brick? I would beat someone with it if that was legal.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I don’t know. orange? I like oranges. lol.

  8. What kind or animal would you be? eh I don’t know.

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? lol masturbate :P

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? no.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol never have.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? daily.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm like yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I don’t know.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like yours? yeah.

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? umm. I don’t know.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? um. a few.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? fall. I like the cool weather. and everything smells good. and looks pretty. =]

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? your mother.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never and most likely

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) can’t think of anything atm.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) haha NOTHING. except not really.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? mhm.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? I don’t know.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? I don’t know. probably not. scary movies don’t usually interest me.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? depends on the movie and if I’m alone haha

  7. What is your greatest fear? that’s too personal for me to tell.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? telepathy. to read people’s minds, what else?

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? stay at home mom. haha. umm. now I have no idea what I want to be.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I’m fine where I am now.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? spanish rice and pepperoni pizza. haha.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? eh. a little. but I already was. :P

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I’m bored, lonely, and there’s nothing else to do.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I don’t know.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no. so you could f*ck with me lol

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? eh it was okay. I guess, if you want to. gives me something to do.

Answer #32
  1. What are you thinking right now? what are you thinking right now lol

  2. What about now? what about now lol

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? hell yeah

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? haha yea

  5. What would you do with a brick? chunk it at a wall lol

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? being hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? uh bannana lol

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a fishy

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? shi-t my pants and say HOLY FU-CK

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? no

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol. I cant even sleep with the closet door open it freaks me out and my beds flat on the floor

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? huh never thought of that

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? yeah lol

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? lulululululu lol like spongebob does lol

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah my pictures are prettier lol

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? uhhh put red coolaid in my teachers fish tank

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? drinking , driving not at the same time

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer, summer break out school

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? it was 4 in the morning and it was pitch black and the whole night sky lit up some people felt the ground shake but we couldnt because we were in a car on our way to work

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never lol my parents do that and yes it does need to be

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) that we have to go to the bathroom everyday lol

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) t-shirt and shorts

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? hell yeah

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? lol kinda lol

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? the bark of a chiuahua lol

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? not by my self but yeah

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 9 lol

  7. What is your greatest fear? blood and guts barf ewww

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? um flying

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I don’t know cant remember but I want to be a cosmetologist

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? umm I don’t know

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? exactly what you said by I add frys lol never tried it wiht bacon bits

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? kinda

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I was bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) yeah I think so

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? huh didnt notice you did it on purpose didnt you lol

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yeah I did yes you should

Answer #33
  1. What are you thinking right now? umm NothiNG…WAIT HOLD ON iM GETTING SOMTHIN…no never mInd

  2. What about now?boyfriend

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Hellz yea

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?when was the last time I did that…yesterday so

  5. What would you do with a brick? put it under my bed…lol

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? pineapple

  8. What kind or animal would you be? lion

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Be really really horrorfied then take advantage of it…lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? once

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? yes aND no…

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? For some odd reason All the time…lol

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Omg yea I did for the first answer…lol

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yea…LaLaLaLaLaLa…iTS annoying But I LOVE dOING it

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yea I though it was a ghost

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yea

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Get chased by the cops for breaking a survaillance camera

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? Question 18

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer…Sexy men soaked in water

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? the sunrise and sunset

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? nEver…DEFINEATTLY

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) THE SAYING WHAT CAME FIRST THE SGG OR THE SPERM…LOL…SERIOUSLY THOUGH.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) nOTHING SIKE just PLAYIN…RED SHORTS AND A WHITE TANK TOP {MY PAJAMAS!!!?!?!?!?!?1}

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? HELL YES

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? YEA I DONT REALLY LIKE HER SHES ANNOYING

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? THE LADY FROM ACCROSS THE STREET THAT IS CONSTANTLY YELLING WOOO

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? No I love scary movies…but when the phone rings it SCARES THE JESUS OUTTA ME

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? ABOUT 4

  7. What is your greatest fear? SPIDERS CANT STAND SMALL 1S BUT ODDLY I LOVE THE BIG 1S

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? tO BE WHATEVER PERSON I WANTED 2 BE…SO I CANT GET BACK AT PEOPLE AND DO BAD THINGS LOL

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? A ANIMAL COP…NOW A TATTOO ARTIST

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? AGE 12 TO TELL A PERSON I LIKED THEM AND GET IT OVER WITH

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? HMM ICE CREAM WITH DORITO CHIPS INSIDE…


  13. Why are you doing this survey?nOTHIN BETTER TO DO

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) lOL TRULY NO…BUT I`LL SAY YES AND ACT LIKE I NEVER SAID THAT 38. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? yES THATWAS ODD… mAYBE you WERE GOING TO FAST AND ODDLY BUT PURPOSELY PRESSED 4 INSTEAD OF 3…I WONDER 39. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yES oOoOH eHmMM gee…Bite me…yes id love to try another one

Answer #34
  1. What are you thinking right now? My friend Natalia but she hates me now because I didn’t invite her to my birthday party. My birthday was 4 months ago. She has to let it go :)

  2. What about now? I’m mad at you for asking that again.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? hell to the yes.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Umm, that’s one of my fave things to do.

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at Natalia. :)

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I don’t want to be fruit. I want to be Pepsi.

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Pooh bear.

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Look at my new body. Then go and find my best guy friend and tell him I love him.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Nope. I woke up once in a different room.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? Ha. I did. And I do.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Yes, thank you for reading another part of my mind.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? I say Umm. Not like. That’s retarded. But I guess it’s a habit, so I won’t blame anyone who does say it.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I like singing 2 seconds of opera every 2 seconds.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Mmmhm. This is such an awesome survey.

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Holy crap. Are you my best friend? Because yes, I do that.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I can’t tell you. <– (that was the most devlish thing I’ve ever done.)

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I download music off of Limewire everyday.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Spring. I was born in spring. Don’t ask me that again. It’s on too many surveys.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Behemoth at Canada’s Wonderland.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Ha. 5 days ago. And yes, it needs sweeping, again.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) Ha. The way you crack me up.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) It IS nothing. Seriously man, are you watching me? :) but no. I’m wearing skinny jeans and a baggy tee.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? No. I’m too nice. People walk all over me.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Ha, yes.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? My alarm clock.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? No. I don’t have the guts.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 7. No wait. 11.

  7. What is your greatest fear? Seriously?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Invisibility. Spying. Duh.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a ballerina. I now want to be a writer.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? age 10/ grade 5. I was a very stupid girl. I had a boyfriend and everything. I know, it’s not THAT bad. But, I wish I could take back everything I did that year.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Honey and lemon. Good for sore throats.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? I was hungry before you asked.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I’m bored. *sigh

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) Nope, and sure, I will.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? You dislike the number 13. I am 13. That’s it. I am not doing your other surveys.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? Yeah. I’m adding you as a friend too!

Answer #35
  1. What are you thinking right now? This question

  2. What about now? Gettinf a drink ;D

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Duh

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yes

  5. What would you do with a brick? Draw a face on it and name it Leonardo

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Strawberry

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Penguin, or a vampire bat

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? I would freak out, then go jack off. LOL! Kidding.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yes. I was at my cousin’s house, and when I woke up I thought I was home.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I use to think dead people lived outside of my window, but I don’t now.. xD

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Nowadays, I think it is the other way around. I think guys can go out in girls clothes, but girls can’t wear guys clothes.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? Umm.. Yes xD

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Probably, ya.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yes. 0_0

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yes..

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Um.. Launched myself down a snowy hill :D

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? None.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Winter, because its so… Fresh smelling xD

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Not sure.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I don’t know if I am suppose to sweep under there…

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) The sound of a seagull.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Clothes :D

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Duh

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Yes

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? The sound of this guy named Noah’s voice xD

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes, and yes.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? About a 6..

  7. What is your greatest fear? Not sure

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I would have mind reading, and I would use it to find out what people thought of me ;D

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be nothing, and now I want to be an author.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I would stay where I am.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Umm, Hotdogs with ketchup and pickles :D

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Yes..

  13. Why are you doing this survey? Boredum.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) Yes, I have.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Because you wanted to ask this question? And No, I didn’t notice.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? Sure..

Answer #36
  1. What are you thinking right now?

About this question!! :)

  1. What about now?

About THIS question!!!

  1. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

No–I wouldn’t actually believe that the person would give me 1 million dollars! :)

  1. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?


  1. What would you do with a brick?

Put it down and watch tv.

  1. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?


  1. What kind of fruit would you be?

A grape!!! Mostly cause it’s my favorite fruit.

  1. What kind or animal would you be?

A three toed sloth, apparently–my friends keep saying that I’m like one for some reason…

  1. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?

Go back to bed, considering it was just a dream.

  1. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?

Yeah. Normally when I’m at a sleepover I think I’m in my own room for a couple of seconds.

  1. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol


  1. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?

Nope… I actually think girls look terrible in some guy’s clothes! :P

  1. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?

Ummm, like yeah!

  1. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?

Yeah. I put my hand into a fist, put it up to my mouth, and say girl… It makes it sound like I’m saying dooey, not girl… :)

  1. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?


  1. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?


  1. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

Ummm, talk back to a teacher???

  1. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?


  1. What’s your favorite season? Why?

Spring–I love having the days get longer and longer!

  1. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?

My friend do a flip in the air… wow…

  1. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?

Yes… I never have… :P

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

The sound of gum chewing… Bleck!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)

A white shirt and jeans! :)

  1. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?


  1. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?


  1. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?

Gum chewing? Haha.

  1. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?

Yes, I have… I WAS scared!!

  1. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?

Maybe a 6 or 7

  1. What is your greatest fear?

I’m not quite sure. Maybe the thought of Sarah Palin for president?

  1. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?

I would choose to fly–just to have fun with it!

  1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

When I was little, I wanted to be a vet…I still do.

  1. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?

Preschool, deffinitely.

  1. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?

French fries and milkshake! :)

  1. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?

I’d go and get something to eat.

  1. Why are you doing this survey?

I’m bored.

  1. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)


  1. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?

Yes I did… Because you accidentally skipped it and didn’t want to write all the numbers again?

  1. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

Yes, I did! And yes, you should!

Answer #37
  1. What are you thinking right now? of questions for this quiz/servey

  2. What about now? still thinking lol:)

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? maybe

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? hell yea

  5. What would you do with a brick? kick it lol

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I don’t know

  8. What kind or animal would you be? bird so I can fly:)

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? have sex

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes and I was on a cruise:)

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes I did and I still do!lol:)

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? on drake and josh he wore girls clothes lol random

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? maybe whats I to ya?

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes!!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yea I gess

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? lots

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? no

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? snowing season which would be winter summer and spring I loke all

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? my house cause it is famous

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? yea 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) I don’t know

  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) leggings a cute shirt and a sweqatshirt

  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes?

  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? yes!

  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? I don’t know

  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes and yes

  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  28. What is your greatest fear? monsters not kidding

  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying

  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? marine biologist?

  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 5th and 6th

  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? a lot

  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  34. Why are you doing this survey? im bored

  35. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no

  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? cause you want to finish so you can have sex

  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and no

Answer #38
  1. What are you thinking right now? of questions for this quiz/servey

  2. What about now? still thinking lol:)

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? maybe

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? hell yea

  5. What would you do with a brick? kick it lol

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I don’t know

  8. What kind or animal would you be? bird so I can fly:)

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? have sex

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes and I was on a cruise:)

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes I did and I still do!lol:)

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? on drake and josh he wore girls clothes lol random

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? maybe whats I to ya?

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes!!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yea I gess

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? lots

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? no

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? snowing season which would be winter summer and spring I loke all

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? my house cause it is famous

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? yea 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) I don’t know

  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) leggings a cute shirt and a sweqatshirt

  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes?

  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? yes!

  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? I don’t know

  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes and yes

  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  28. What is your greatest fear? monsters not kidding

  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying

  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? marine biologist?

  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 5th and 6th

  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? a lot

  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  34. Why are you doing this survey? im bored

  35. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no

  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? cause you want to finish so you can have sex

  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and no

Answer #39

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #40

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #41

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #42

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #43

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #44

1: My boyfriend 2: Still my boyfriend 3: HECK YES 4: No 5: Sit on it 6: Hot!! Ughh 7: Cherry! 8: Tiger 9: Hit on my friend and scare the shi* out of her!! 10: Yes 11: Yep! And still do actually.. 12: Yeah 14: No 15:yep 16: Yes 17: No 18: Laid underneath a moving car! 19: a lot 20: Spring, cause the cute stuff grows.. 21: A lightning bolt hit a tree. 22: Last week, maybe 23: when skinny people say they are fat!! 24: My care bear jammies! 25: yep 26; NO?? 27: My ringtone on my cell phone! 28: Yes, yes 29: Depends 30: Spiders 31: Mind reading powers, Self explanatory! 32: A model, a model 33: 9th grade; judy cause it was a fun year! 34: Nothing 35: No 36: I’m bored 37: Yes I don’t know.. 38: yep 39: I guess

Answer #45
  1. what sould my sis be for holloween.
  2. This list is way to long
  3. Yes
  4. No way
  5. Crush it at least try to
  6. Cold
  7. Pinnapple 8.Dog
  8. I would not be suprised people always say I am like a boy
  9. No
  10. Yes and somtimes I think somthing is chassing me LOL
  11. Yes
  12. No … I guess I say ummm a lot I am skiping to # 18
  13. Taken of my shirt and bra and dances
Answer #46
  1. What are you thinking right now? should I do my homework

  2. What about now? math

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Nope

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at the nearest person (teen of course)

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? blackberry

  8. What kind or animal would you be? white tiger

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? jump off a cliff

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yeah

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Nope, never thought that

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? they wouldn’t fit. not that it stops some guys

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? nope

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? snapping

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yes

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? nope

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? nothing

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? too many

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? spring, there are thunderstorms

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? some one being shot

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? nope, and yes

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) whistling

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) jeans, t-shirt

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? HELL YES

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? nope

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? trains

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes, no

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? -10

  7. What is your greatest fear? piñatas

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? doctor, now surgeon

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? second grade, had best teacher EVER

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? don’t know

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope

  13. Why are you doing this survey? bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I think

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Superstitions

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another other one? yeah this was cool, make another one

Answer #47
  1. What are you thinking right now? Im thinking of what im thinking for this question.

  2. What about now? I…Dont…know…hmmm?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?Hells ya

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? not really

  5. What would you do with a brick? probably throw it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a tomato

  8. What kind or animal would you be? snow leopard

  9. If you wake up the next morning and found out you were the opposite sex, what would you do? first I would look at myself, then scream

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yup

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol no

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yup, why can’t I wear a skirt =(

  13. Are you one of these people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? sometimes to add emphasis

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? snapping fingers

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? ya

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yup

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? jump off the top of a tree

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? a lot

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer, because its not cold

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a ferrari going full speed in the highway

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?never, and it probably does

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) when someone claps there hands for no reason at all

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) wine colored dress shirt with kakis and adicolor shoes and silver bracelet and necklace and headphones

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? duh

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?no

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? nothing

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?yes and no

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 2

  7. What is your greatest fear? I haven’t figured that out yet

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? telekinesis, I would try to levitate everything

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? police, now I want to be a: swat member, gaming simulation programmer, any thing that requires me to travel

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I would like to go back to 5th grade, to kick my teachers a$$!!

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? anything with “da bomb” hot sauce

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yes

  13. Why are you doing this survey? because you said it was fun

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no I didnt

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? because you skjpped it

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?it was fun cause I was bored and yes make more

Answer #48

I would call 911 and tell them im being ubducted by aliens for 182632345875872385723847523847582374583745872358347657467648723647823647834676598723645723645876234975623497562394765239784659238476592837465928374659823465987236598723465987236459237459872304587095234095725626452736572367364573645786345763247563897465239874652837465987236459872364 dollars

Answer #49
  1. What are you thinking right now?

    The girl I like. (:

  2. What about now?

    That I stop should biting my nails.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

    Why not.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?


  5. What would you do with a brick?

    Lick it.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?

    Being hot.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?


  8. What kind or animal would you be?


  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?

Experiment. ^^

  1. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?


  2. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol

    I did. Right now theres too much stuff under my bed, nothing could fit in there without me knowing.

  3. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?

    Haha, yeah.

  4. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?

A lil.

  1. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?

Haha, yeap.

  1. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?

All the time, I feel like punching myself because I sound so annoyingly retardedly stupidly unlike myself.

  1. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?


  1. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

Can’t remember.

  1. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?

Not much.

  1. What’s your favorite season? Why?

Summer, because we don’t get any other seasons.

  1. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?


  1. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?

Never did. I’m guessing it does. Hahaha.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

Stubborn people.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)


  1. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?

Yeah, very hard.

  1. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?


  1. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?

Car brakes screeching.

  1. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?

Yeah, scared shitless.

  1. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?


  1. What is your greatest fear?

Everyone I love and like dissapearing.

  1. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?

Make money appear! I would do whatever good I can do with it, and spend some on myself of course. (:

  1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

I wanted to drive F1 cars. I have no ambition right now.

  1. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?

From 5 years old onwards. I can’t remember anything from that age onwards, and I really want to remember the times I had with my mummy before she passed away.

  1. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?

French fries and bacon.

  1. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?


  1. Why are you doing this survey?

Because I think it’s an awesome thing to do.

  1. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)

Haha, nope. (:

  1. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?

Nope, didn’t look at the question numbers. =D

  1. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

Indeed you should!

Answer #50
  1. What are you thinking RIGHT NOW? im thinking about what im thinking rite now

  2. What about NOW? this is a really weird episode of charmed

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes 4 sho

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? haha yeah

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it from the top of a 50 foot building

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? pineapple

  8. What kind or animal would you be? beaver

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? totally freak out

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? haha yeah

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… do you still?… lol when I was little I thought there was an evil tooth fairy

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yeah…weird isnt it

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm not in like everyt like ummm sentences ummm like

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I couldmake the sound that the grudge makes when im bored and it drives my mom and sister crazy

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? haha all the time…I guess im bored a lot

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah…its creepy

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? went to a skate park and actually skated..if you knew me you would understand

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? many

  19. What’s your favorite season? why? I love spring because it rains and everything grows

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I really have no idea

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont think so because we just moved in

23.What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) my sister

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) haha invader zim tee and shorts

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? of course I would

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? wow no thats pretty creepy

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? police sirens

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… did you get scared? yes unfortunately and I hid in my bathroom til my mom got home

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? dependswhat it is but usually 8

  7. What is your greatest fear? becoming an orphan

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… what would you use it for? I want to fly so I can travel everywhere without paying

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? what do you want to be now/what are you now? a veterinarian and now an attorney for family law

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? why? kindergarten when I was five because those were the good old days

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. yummy!)? I dont have one im not that into condements

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? haha yeah…phsychic much?

  13. Why are you doing this survey? because im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I think so

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… why do you think that is? oh yeah haha superstitious?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? and should I make another one? yeah its fun… make more!

Answer #51
  1. What are you thinking right now? how much I would get paid if I hit my brother in the face…hard
  2. What about now? why you care
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? no its mean and im pretty sure its againt the law
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yes.sometimes.depends what you mean old
  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it at someone I hate
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? prune, I wouldn’t get eaten
  8. What kind or animal would you be? what kind OF animal would I be
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? freak out, then think (maybe) ooh,I’m hot!
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol no.
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? …without being called gay.
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? no, no not really
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? typing drives my sister crazy
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? no.
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? no
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?no clue
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? none What’s your favorite season? Why? summer. I love it because most of the b-days in my fam are in summer.
  19. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a jonas brother
  20. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? no, I dont 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) your face lol kidding
  21. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) american eagle tee and sweatpants
  22. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES! REPEATEDLY!
  23. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no
  24. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my brothers voice
  25. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? when you have 13 kids in your family, and a sister-in-law, plus parents, you’re never alone
  26. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10
  27. What is your greatest fear? death
  28. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying, to fly. my uncle always wanted to be able to fly.
  29. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to besuccessful and lead a happy life, no matter what im doing
  30. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 4th grade, that was my good year
  31. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? turkey,cheese, mayonaise,lettuce, bacon,bread
  32. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yes
  33. Why are you doing this survey? cuuz its actually kinda fun
  34. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) yes
  35. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I noticed, because it makes for another question
  36. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes, but shorter
Answer #52
  1. What are you thinking right now? Why I am doing this.

  2. What about now? why you just asked me the same question 2 times?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? No

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? All the time

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at this girl Mara’s head.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Hot.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Apple.

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Woodpecker w/ a cross w/ a squirrel

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? The same routine I do now just without the bras, Skirts, v-cut shirts, and makeup, well everything but eyeliner that would be okay.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yah I do that a lot

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Yes, No.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? no, cause they can, but they will be called a gay fag or a tranie

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Sometimes, but not a lot.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? besides repeting one sentence of a song commercial or a show or movie, no.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? OMG, YES!!!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yah… :(

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Went On the 60 ft. high sling-shot at the rose festival.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I don’t know!

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Fall, Cause it’s the season I was born in.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I really don’t know… it’s kind of sad.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? No I swept it yesterday.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When people say religious thing to me.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) black leggings, pink, grey, white and black striped skirt and a black tanktop, and my glasses, and head phones.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YEAH!!! I would injure them severely if I could.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? pshhh NO WAY. They are NASTAYYY!

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? My ears ringing, because of my TMJ.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? YEAH!!!

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 6.5

  7. What is your greatest fear? Clowns, my claustrophobia getting to me, and getting burried alive.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? That’s a hard one… I think it would have to me a mind reader!!! So I know what people are thinking about!!!:)

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a warrior princess, now I want to be a cake designer and a part time English teacher

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 6th grade, to reverse ever going out with sam… Cause it turned out the way I didn’t ever want it to.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Mac n’ chesse with garlic and chicken!!!(Mmmm Mmmm Goood!)

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I’m bored.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) I don’t know?

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Yeah.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? It was okay and yeah sure I would probly end up doing it.

Answer #53
  1. What are you thinking right now? boose

  2. What about now?this survey

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yuupppers

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?who doesnt

  5. What would you do with a brick?look at it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?mango

  8. What kind or animal would you be?monkey

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? check out my package

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?yup

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yesss

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? they can some do they are called drag queens

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? lol sometimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? not that I know

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah and I sound ike shyt

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yupp

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? to many to think of

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? over 10

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? fall its not to hot not to cold

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? dont know

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? you can sweep under there?

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) food in m teeth

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) pjs:)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? my boss, my bffls boyfriend, my ex,

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? haha yes

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my dog licking her a$$

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? lol I cant!

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 8

  7. What is your greatest fear? suffering

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? mind reading I want to know if people are thinking about me

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a model and now a pro volley ball player

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I couldnt pick

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? mcdonalds fries dipped in a mcflurry

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no I just ate

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I like them

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) yeah some

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? didnt notice and cause its a unlucky number??

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and yes

Answer #54
  1. What are you thinking right now? my leg is itchy

  2. What about now? why is this question even here?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? A million bucks just to call 111… I shall make sure I use someone elses phone. And do it several times over with friends so nobody gets cops when I am breaking into some other dudes house AHEM

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yea totally I mean it is so much fun.

  5. What would you do with a brick? Break into the wHITEHOUSE with it. Oh it has security? Ok then I will throw it at some other guys car while he is driving, bonus points for hitting the driver.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Im always hot in bed. Oooh yea

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?apricot. What kind of a weird question is this anyway?

  8. What kind or animal would you be? I would like to be a tiger or some other really big cat.

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Have fun now, ask questions later.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yes.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Oh no I never thought of that… checks closet and under bed

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? no I just kinda accepted the fact I should never try on a bra.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm like no, not ummm like at all. Wait…

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? cracking my knuckles. Whistle breathing inwards because I suck at it.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yeah, when I as like 4. And its still like that. Man I sound like a retard!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yeah. I do that each time in the mirror.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Something stupid on the motorcycle im sure. Wheelie past a cop or start police chase or go on twisties and race friends. If on the twisties ya crash its a looong way down.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? Your a cop lol!. Many many many speeding/wheelies/stoppies/other stunts on motorbike, riding without L-plate or license on me or without license at all, past 10pm, expired wof/rego,take out the race bike(no lights horn rego etc), street races, burnouts, and thelist goes on and on. And thats just with me on a motorcycle.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer. IF we actually get snow in our winter it is shocking and very little. Winter is just usually cold wind and rain. I like warmth.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Me racing a plane taking off on a friends bike. (340kmph bike) On video.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I do not wish to look there. Ever.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) People.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) 2 pairs of jeans… lol (cold day for the bike)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? F*CK YEAH can I choose who as well

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? not the ones we have now.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? cop sirens.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes it is really fun to do. I rarely ever get scared of movies.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 0. Yes that is less than 1.

  7. What is your greatest fear? Prison.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? toss up between reading minds and time travel/stop time. I would make myself a millionaire of course.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be all kinds of things. Now I want to be a motorcycle mechanic/racer

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 10-12 years of age. Nothing to worry about yet you do have intelligence.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?2 min noodles with tomato sauce in it. Or cheese and mustard

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? im already hungry. I think Ima make me some noodles… … … …

With tomato sauce

  1. Why are you doing this survey? Because I saw the link and thought why the hell not

  2. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no this is my first survey on this site.

  3. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Because you are really really superstitious and hate 13.

  4. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes and yes or I will beat you to death with something creative.

Answer #55
  1. What are you thinking right now?- im daydreaing about lestat the vampire…:E

  2. What about now?- the question you just asked me…

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?- nope joke HELL YEAh!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?- nope

  5. What would you do with a brick?- erm…kik it c if I could break it?

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?- hot!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?- tomarto because its different

  8. What kind or animal would you be?- jaguar!

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?- omfg! im a bloke! id start trying to figure ouut what made me like diss

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?- yep I was dreamin bout vampires woke up thinkin I was a vamp I screamed because it was light lol that was funni!

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol- ye I did when I was little

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes?- yes

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences?- like yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?- yes I have loads! clack!

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?- yes ALL the blady time!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?- nah!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?- stuff dno

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?- cnt rememba dno none?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?- winter at leest I can get away from da cold

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?- I’ve seen a lot of cool stuff…

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?- yd uask me that? lol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)- the new song I kissed a girl by katy perry

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)- pjs :D

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?- yes hell I would

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?- no…

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?- dno

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?- nope

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?- 1

  7. What is your greatest fear?- loosing someone close

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?- it would be vampire sences and strenks

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?- im at school I want to be a dancer or author

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?-dno

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?- choclit spred with p nut buta

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?- yes

  13. Why are you doing this survey?- because im bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!)- no.. I will

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? its unlucki?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?- yes! hell yhr

Answer #56
  1. What are you thinking right now? About Him <3

  2. What about now? why did this quiz just ask that 2wice LOL

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Yeahh why not lool .

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yeh haha! I do it round my flat all day long!

  5. What would you do with a brick? Build a house? LOL

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold =D

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? yeah because this is a normal question lol errm apple?

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Lion?

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Probably cry lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yeah haha

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?…Lol?

Your going to think im mad! the only time I ever thought that is when my uncle died and my mum told me he would go somewhere where he had memories when he died, so I had it in my head he would come to my house anyway I thought he was under my bed waitin 2 scare me like he used 2 messin around!

  1. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No not really lol, most girls do wear their boyfriends clothes etc, I wouldnt just buy guys clothes to wear though, id wear like my friends jackets and stuff who are boys out though,

  2. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? I say ‘’errm’’ a lot

  3. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yeah I say my bestfriends name in a weird voice over and over again to drive her mad, now she does the same and it drives me CRAZY lool Serves me right I suppose.

  4. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yeahhh lool

  5. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yepp and half the time they actually arent good lool.

  6. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? You dont even want to know!!!

  7. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? You really dont want to know…about 30ish!? I used to be a right little b**ch =| up till around 14ish? then I changed all together.

  8. What’s your favorite season? Why? Errrm well I dont really have one cause I always moan.. in summer if im in the heat too much I go really ill and pass out and stuff, so im glad when the winter comes, then in winter I want the summer because its too cold out, forgetting how ill the sun makes me!

  9. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I dont knowww =\

  10. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? well I only moved in 2months ago and I had everything new, it probably does need sweeping under but its massive and personally wont be able to move it…I think thats a job for my sons godfather, dont you? haha =]

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) Loads of little thingss

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Hotpants and my sons Godfathers top because its big on me and comfy!

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Yeahh id do it anyway even if I did get a reaction, its been done before lol

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Nooo why would I want too lol?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? The intercom, when someone rings my flat from the main doors to let them in.

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? I havent watched it alone nope.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? Errrm id say about a 7?

  7. What is your greatest fear? Any harm ever coming to my son, but thats natural right?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Flyinggg =D.. To get around without buses or in and out of cars haha.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a hairdresser, I’ve qualified that now and going on to do beauty in september.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Year 9 which made me like 14?? because everyone used to go out and just have a laugh and everyone got on!!

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? I dont know if youve ever tried this, there called ‘chicken parcels’ its chicken breast, with bacon wrapped around the outside, with melted cheese on, There amazing!!!

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Nopeee

  13. Why are you doing this survey? Cozz im soo bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) nopeee!

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I didnt noo and I have no idea.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yeah it gave me something to do even if there was a lot of questions lol. Yes do another one

Answer #57
  1. What are you thinking right now? THIS GUY<3

  2. What about now? SAME THINGG.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? HAHA YEAHH WHY NOTT?!!?!?

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? YESS!

  5. What would you do with a brick? THROW IT AT SOMEBODYYY J/K IDONTKNOWWW!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? BEING HOTT I HATE THATT!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? A BANANA :D

  8. What kind or animal would you be? UHMM, A PUPPYYY [:

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? HAHA FREAK OUTT!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? NOPEEE

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? HAHA MAYBE SOMETIMESS!

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? NO NOT REALLY UNTIL NOWW.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? HAHA YEHH I SAY THAT TOO MUCHH!

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? WELL NO NOT REALLYYY

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? HAHA YEAH ITS WEIRD :P

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? HAHA YEAHH I COULDNT BELEIVE I LOOKED THAT BADD

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? THATS A TOUGH ONEE I don’t know


  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? SUMMMAAA because IM NOT IN SCHOOL!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? IDDKK.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? NEVERR THATS MY MOMS JOBB[:

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) WHEN POEOPLE GO OUT & THE FIRST DAY THEY SAY THER’RE IN LOVE!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) JEANS & A TANKKK[:

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? HELL YEAHH NIGGYY :D

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? HAHA NO

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? UHHMM, WHEN THE PHONE RINGSS!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? YESS HAHA

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? LIKE A 4

  7. What is your greatest fear? BEING ALONE

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? TO BE INVISIBLEE HAHA & SO I COULD STEAL A BANK & TOTALLY GET AWAY WITH IT!

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I WANTED TO BE AN ICE CREAM MAN HHAHA OR WOMEN! NOW I want to BE A VICTORIAS SECRET MODEL WICH I DOUBT WILL EVEN HAPPEN!

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I WOULDNT BUT IF I HAD TO THEN PRE-SCHOOL THERE WAS LIKE NO DRAMA AND EVERYBODY LOVED EACH OTHERR [:

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? UHHHMMM, KETCHUP & APPLES OR UM CELLURY WITH KETCHUP ITS ACTUALLY GOOD.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? HAHAH YAAA.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? BECAUSE I GOT NOTHING ELSE TO DO

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) NOPEE HAHA OKAYY :D

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? HAHA UM NO BECAUSE I DONT LOOK AT THE NUMBERSS I JUST READ THE QUESTIONSS!

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? IT WAS PRETTY CHILL & YEAHH YOU SHOULDD [:

Answer #58
  1. What are you thinking right now? I’ll get in trouble if I tell ya! ;)

  2. What about now? Still ain’t getting me to tell! :)

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Of course! But they might throw me in the loony farm…

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? uhh, does “old” mean stuff that was on the radio last week? If not, then NO…

  5. What would you do with a brick? ummm, eat it?? Sheesh I don’t know!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold. because I’m ALWAYS cold!

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I already AM a fruit!!

  8. What kind of animal would you be? Dodo bird

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Schedule a psychiatric evaluation.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Maybe…if the moon counts!

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Maybe -_-

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? well, technically they can. They’re called “gay”

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? ummm, like of course not!

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? clucks like a chicken what now?

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Can’t say I have!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? errr…is this going somewhere?

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Looked in the mirror in the morning before my shower…shudders

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I broke the law? How come I don’t remember this?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Winter…because it’s cold, like ME! Oh, and it’s white!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Liquid Nitrogen.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Meh.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) Miley Cyrus.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) clothes.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? DUH!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Umm, maybe…shifty eyes

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? people that burp or chew really loudly…or grunt. >:(

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yeah, and no.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? I don’t.

  7. What is your greatest fear? Preps.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? the power to turn Miley Cyrus into a chipmunk- self explanatory! ;)

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? Used to want to be a vet, now I realize I’ll be lucky if I’m still ALIVE!

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I want to go back to before I was conceived and make it so I never WAS

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? an apple and jalopeno pepper. I’m serious..

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? not really. Unless that includes human blood..

  13. Why are you doing this survey? Spongebob threatened to kill me if I didn’t.

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no. and I don’t have to! :P

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? No, and I THINK it’s because you forgot it. does it really take a genious to figure that out?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? It was entertaining. Sure you should! :)

Answer #59
  1. What are you thinking right now? I’m not LOL!

  2. What about now? Nope

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Never

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yup

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at my enemy

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? being hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Strawberry

  8. What kind or animal would you be? A Panda Bear

  9. If you wake up the next morning and found out you were the opposite sex, what would you do? AHHH! Not the opposite sex!!!

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Everyday

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol Never… O.K once but I was so sure that he was there!

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No

  13. Are you one of those people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? Ummm.. like… I don’t know!

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I like to chip at my fingernails

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that doesn’t sound like your’s? YES!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Of course!

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Peed my pants in the store LOL.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? None.. I think?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer, because I get to show off my long legs.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Me in the mirror

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Last year and yeah it does! I think there are mole-people under there!

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When someone asks me “what is something totally random that gets on your nerves?” Uhh.. it is so irritating!

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Clothes duh!

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Yea I’ve done it before and it was SO cool!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Yes

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? My mom’s nagging

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes and not really

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 3

  7. What is your greatest fear? Pregnancy

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Flying… to get to places a lot quicker, silly

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I want to be a singer and I still want to be a singer!

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Kindergarten because sleeping on wooden desks is not as comfortable.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Pizza and ranch

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? yep

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I have no idea

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? there wasn’t?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? YES and YES!

Answer #60
  1. What are you thinking right now? Nothing

  2. What about now? nothing

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? yes

  5. What would you do with a brick? a lot of things

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? not sure

  8. What kind or animal would you be? dog probably

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? think I was dreaming

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? no

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… no, Do you still?… no

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call ‘tomboy’) but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ‘ummm’ or ‘like’ in sentences? yes…a lot

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yes

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? sometimes

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? not sure

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? don’t know

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? winter cause there is snow

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? not sure

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator? I havn’t Do you think it needs sweeping under there? no

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) a lot of things that I can’t quite think of now.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) a nightie, jarma bottoms and a jumper

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? YES!!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? adverts

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark? no way! Did you get scared? …

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? if I do watch a scary movie then 10!

  7. What is your greatest fear? being in the middle of the sea with killer sharks alone

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?come invisible probably. What would you use it for? coming invisible when someon embarreses me!

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?a Social worker. What do you want to be now? a police officer

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? don’t now

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? ham and vinigar

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? sometimes

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I am bored

  14. Have you ever done any of my previous suveys? (if not you better do them all!!) no.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13? no I don’t look at the numbers! Why do you think that is?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? whatever! And should I make another one? I don’t know

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