My laptop always hangs

my laptop always hang,then one day it shutdown.then it couldn’t be open anymore.I’ve tried to reformat ,however after several days still “shutdown” symptoms cudn’t be avoided.So I continued reformatting ,until the time that reformatting process is a difficult to do.difficult in the sense that my laptop “display 3 causes why reformatting process cant be done.the disk maybe damaged,…I forgot the others.what are the causes of this?or what maybe the wrong on my using wndows xp…cud anyone help me…thanks a lot

Answer #1

then if ever viruses were the reasons of the “shutdown”,how could I managed such thing,some one advised me to recover and dont resort to reformatting(co,z it will tend to break hard disk)?how to do recover/ing pocess?thanks

Answer #2

you should send it in for repairs, since im sure you dont have the tools necessary to fix it yourself

well it seems to me like your HDD is busted, but I cant be sure

the ‘shutdown’ thingy might have happened because of a virus

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