Has my hymen popped?

I’ve never had se, but I think I’ve already poped my hymen, but if I leave it alone will it grow back were when I do have sex, I’ll bleed… ??? I only bleed 10 sec. one time and it didnt hurt, so I don’t know if I poped it or not, but if I just leave it alone, with I bleed when me and my boyfriend has se??

Answer #1

I agree with the last comment. Oh… and just so you know…I never did bleed the first time I had sex, so I wouldn’t worry about it for even a second.

Answer #2

before I had se*, I bleeded alittle on my bike and that concerned me too but guess what?! it bleeded again on my first time and even my second!

but I’m sure this won’t happen for the third time, that’s ‘cause I “actually” checked it and it’s really gone. :( and so is my boyfriend

Am I lucky or what?

Answer #3

Hymens don’t grow back… Some girls are born without a hymen, or some girls’ hymens have already broken whilst doing a sport such as horse riding. It is no big deal. If it hasn’t been torn then there may be slight bleeding if you and your boyfriend have se* or if he fingers you. Don’t worry too much about it, chances are that it is already broken if you have bled from there before.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice