My hair, should I do this?

My hair is like a reddish black and my eyebrows are extremely dark, I would like to a light brown and put some nice blonde highlights in

Answer #1

Some info: Although do-it-yourself highlights and hair-color kits are easy and inexpensive, the results are almost always not in your best interest. Get a recommendation for a good stylist and consult with him or her (as well as your parents!) before you decide to change your hair color. There are infinite shades of “blonde,” “red,” “brown,” or even “black.” A stylist can help you pick the best one for your skin tone. Also, your current hair-color might react to certain dyes.

Answer #2

I think your dark hair looks so nice with your complexion, so before you dye it, you should probably make sure you actually really want it light brown and your not just bored with black,

Answer #3

yep, make sure you want to first also you can get your eyebrows profesionall died as well, if they dont match or suit your new hair colour but its all up to you really

Answer #4

okay I say go to a good stylist because the do it at home thing isnt all that studing cosmotology so yea take my advice..and well when you do get that done make sure or as k your stylist if dying your eyebrows to a lighter color will suit you beest..good luck!

Answer #5

I thank you should do what ever you want to it.I dyed mine pink :-D

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