My guy friend how do I know

How do you know if your guy friend likes you. I am having this problem and it involes with my guy friend zach I liked him since last year we are not in the same class he doesn’t talk to me anymore or anything how can I like make him want to talk and start being friends. I really like him how do I know if he likes me the same way? Help Ps last there were rourms that he like me. How can I know if he feels the same. Please

Answer #1

Well you said that ya’ll really dont talk anymore. That’s the first think you have to deal with. Make and effort to be around him, use any excuse to call him, ask him for his number. It won’t go anywhere if ya’ll dont talk.

Answer #2

well.. okayy you can just talk to him more and try to txt each other and call each other and everything like that!

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