My Grandma's death and religion in schools

Can anyone help? I am a teen. My Grandmother of whom I was very close to died about 4 years ago. Only the thing is I still haven’t really come to terms with it.The thing is when she died I I ended up due to circumstances an awful amout of high school. Therefore I missed pretty much all of my religious education and therefore I don’t really understand where she’s gone. I have a question I was wondering whether anyone out there could possibly help me with. This is: what does The Bible/Christianity say that Heaven is like? What does it look like? (are there any descriptions) and what happens up there?? Also I hope this doesn’t sound like a stupid question (only I just wondered because I missed such a lot of school) but do they give a good all-round general education in Religion in High schools?? What sort of things about religion do they teach you in England? CAN ANYONE POSSIBLY HELP???

Answer #1

Dear Clemence, It’s wonderful that you and your Grandmother were so very close and I know how you miss her. I too have lost loved ones. My grandparents, my Mom and Dad and my Sister.
It’s sad that there are so many theories about what happens when a person dies. One has a hard time knowing what to believe. The relegions of the world have mixed ideas and theories.

I believe the Bible has the correct answer. There is a great study guide on this subject found at
Place your cursor on “STUDIES” then click on “Study Guides” Whe the next page comes up scroll down to “Are the Dead Really Dead” and click on “Open Lesson”.

The lessons are easy to read and understand. They ask the questions and give the answers from the Bible. I’m sure you will find some amazing answers.
God bless you.

Answer #2

For a description of heaven read Revelation chapter 21. Even as beautiful as you imagine it from reading the verses, it is thousands of times for magnificent. I am very sorry for your loss.

Answer #3

Dear Clemence, I too lost someone very close & dear to my heart four yrs. ago (12-19-02). Nobody knows for sure what the other side holds but if you are interested in hearing (reading) my view(s) on the subject I’m willing to share them with you. I believe the Universe is riddled of infinite dimensions and the very dimension one travels to upon crossing over is contingent upon the dimension of ones character. Dimensions are neither up nor down, they consist of zero levels and therefore NO position. They are a place. A place of Truth, peace and serene Beauty. A Place within, a Place throughout. I don’t belive public schools ar allowed to discuss religion or related topics thereof, due to the diversity of beliefs therein. Your own personal relationsip with our creator, the “Author of Life” if you will, is yours alone and exists independant of “Religion.”
Grandma’s are very special people, they experience Life from Life from there own, subsequently endowing them with a certainty in /of Life by way of an understanding for /of Nature and Man (people). I believe your Blessed Grandma has passed through the breath of God and shines proudly throughout her world, of all those she’s touched and within your heart. I sincerely hope my words have aided in some way, Nothing can replace the void of missing that comes from the passing of a Loved one but we can forever hold them close by embracing their absence with fond memories and most importantly Healthy & Happy living.

                   Best wishes and God Bless.
Answer #4

Heaven is a place where there will be no more dying… no pain… no fear… or all the other negative human emotions that we now experience… it will be peace that we can not even imagine… and joy… all the things that are good and pure and just… will be heaven… the bible talks about the streets being made of pure gold…showing that gold will have no meaning as we now know it… men fight for it here.. there they will walk on it…

There was a story that I heard one time that has stuck with me…

It was of a man that loved his wealth and talked the Lord into allowing him to bring a portion of it with him… (which is not true, but, for the sake of the story only), he sold what he had, and invested it in gold, thinking this was the easiest way to transport it, he put it in a bag… and he set out for heaven… (of course, this is not true, either, as we have to be transported there) when he got to the pearly gates (they are described as being full of pearls and other lovely stones) the gate keeper told him he could not bring anything in with him… meaning the bag that he carried… he replied.. oh but, I have special permission… to bring this with me… and the gate keeper being curious said, If you don’t mind, could I see what you have in the bag, the man opened it, and the gate keeper looked in and said, “What on earth did you bring pavement for?”

I thought this was a very nice way to remember that heaven is not about money… and that once we get there.. it will no longer be a concern for us…

Jesus is real.. and he is spirit… and he wants you to get to know him… the answers that you seek are in his word.. the bible… learn of him… seek him… and when you have, you will find him… Blessings…

Answer #5

The answers to all of life’s problems can be found in THE BIBLE….I would recommend you study it with an open mind and especially heart…..certainly you’ll find Heaven described there…..lastly, there no such thing as a stupid question….if you don’t ask, it’ll blow past and you won’t learn.

God Bless You !!

Answer #6

I recently lost someone whom I’m very close to, so I understand your feelings. I’m afraid I can’t answer your questions, but I offer you my support.

Answer #7

Clemence – I too was very close to my maternal grandma; in fact, she pretty much raised me. I lost her when I was 48 years old (she was only 33 when I was born!) and now I’m 62. She and I were soulmates. Nobody knows for sure, but there’s a 50-50 chance we will be with our departed loved ones when we die. We have that hope certainly. And I, for one, don’t think you have to believe in Jesus to have that happen, although I think Jesus’ teachings are wonderful. I also believe that love transcends death; I believe your dear grandma still loves you very much and knows you love her. I believe the same thing about my grandmother. I am very sorry for your loss, but I do believe you can communicate with her through prayer. Just don’t expect her to answer back, at least not in this life. Good luck to you.

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