My girls sheyness

my girlfriend is extremely shy,not to mention unaffectionate,and I find it quite disturbing.I have tried everything I can think of to help her open up and just be outgoing but nothing has worked. and if I try to talk to her she freaks out. if anyone can give me some ideas as to what I can do to help her id greatly appreciate it.

Answer #1

it seems to us that you guys just arent connecting in a way that is necessary to build a successful relationship. if your personalities just don’t click, then there’s really nothing you can do becasue you shouldn’t try and change who she is to cater to that you think you need. don’t be controlling!

good luck!

Answer #2

I was kinda like that when I started going out with this guy mainly cause I barely knew him,but I opened up quickly because he gave me her that theres nothing to be scared not exactly sure how you’d go about doing it but if thers anything specific you see her being shy about eg her on so that she’ll do it and maybe it’d be clear that she could be her around you. wish you two the best and hope it helped;].

Answer #3

Just take her out to do some fun stuff, like go to an amusement park, or out to a really nice restaraunt. Do stuff that you wouldn’t do on a regular basis, and she could become more outgoing.

Answer #4

does she freak out when you talk to her alone in private or just a regular normal talk?

Answer #5

not trying to be rude but… why go out with her in the first place if shes so shy and wont open up to anyone? Tina

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