My Girlfriend

The other day me and my girlfriend engaged in foreplay as usual, however when i fingered her this time she bled. Could you tell me why she would bleed after being fingered? Strange, as i thought it was only the first time that a girl would.

Answer #1

I assume she’s not a virgin, as you say you thought they bleed only the first time. Well, a hymen broken the first time doesn’t necessarily mean the entry is fully open forever. Think of it as breaking a window - yeah, there’s a hole for stuff to go through, but there are also all those jagged pieces of glass still left on the frame, and if you try to go through the hole you could still break some of those off. Same thing - maybe she had parts of her hymen left and this time going in you broke some remaining pieces with your fingers and she bled. A hymen is never completely gone until the woman gives birth the normal way… a baby being the biggest thing that could pass through there and swipe away all traces left of the hymen.

Answer #2

If hymen is separated during vaginal penetration there may be some slight bleeding and a little pain. Notice this means vaginal penetration of any kind, not just full on sex. Bleeding and pain are normal and both usually stop after a short time. It is possibile that your fingernails may have scraped her vaginal wall. If this is the case it is possible to develop an infection if the condition is not treated. If there was a lot of bleeding, then she should see a doctor. If it continues to hurt, then she sould see a doctor. Since you have engaged in this before, and if you know she wasn’t just starting her period, then it sounds more likely that you scratched her, but it is completely possible to “pop her cherry” this way. Could be you were more rough than normal, and tore her hymen.

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