My 'friend' is and idio*!!!

Yeh so theres this chic in my year who in my opinion is the biggest hippocrit. She left me this message in truth box which is where you dont know who sent it saying ‘your a b**ch. I hate you.(my boyfriend) deserves so much more than your sscum’ im pretty sure its her but I kdont know what I should do because she is one of them girls if you stick up to her the whole school will turn against me and that. Should I get angry and all that or should I just let it go and focu on my school work and my school certificate?

Steph Xo

Answer #1

First of all, you should be without a doubt that she’s the one who posted it - false accusations do much more than hurt friendships.

That truth box is nothing but a way for people to bash each other…I suggest just getting rid of it.

Ignore the comment, focus on school and take comfort in knowing that the drama of being an adolescent eventually fades when you enter adulthood (for most people)

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