my friend bella

ok I like my frind bella she likes me and another do I make her like me more?

Answer #1

compliment her often be a gentleman (opening doors, offering 2 carry her books, etc.) ask her to go somewhere with you after school ask her to study with u, if you have a class 2gether flirt with her, but in a sweet way

Answer #2

aw my head

Answer #3

well she might acutally like you more to begin with but if she doesnt then just pretend like you have moved on or w/e and be a good friend but dont flirt you have to make her feel that if she doesnt like you more then this other guy then she cant like you at all and then she might notice that she liked you more to begin with

Answer #4

if she’s the jelouse type make her jelouse. she’ll want what she cant have. dont give her as much attention, turn towards other girls, make it look like you have interest in someone else. or you can just be extra extra flirty.

Answer #5

true, but you have 2 be a bit mor eforward than the other guy, without being obvious that you r competing for her affection, cause that’s just annoying=D

Answer #6

thank you and I respect that answer

Answer #7

Be yourself, and compliment her a lot!

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