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How to keep my friendship with my best friend?
ok so it started about a week ago that me and my best friend got in a fight. I told her I dont really want to be best friends with her because we were always fighting and she was cool about it.. so I started texting her and she told me she likes this guy that makes fun of me. I told her he does these things and she didnt care, when her boyfriend was mean to her I stuck by her and I didnt speak to him.. now she talking to him and shes known him for a few months and I’ve know her for about a year now. she texted me saying she knows more about him and he isnt afraid to be romantic! WTF why would I care if he’s romantic? and she knows everything about me! eg, my passwords, family, full name, age ect.. and I asked her to choose him or me and suprise suprise she chose him! right now im crying and shes on msn now talking to him.. I feel so low.. when I talked about my friends she gets mad and crys now im the one crying! and my mum is really ill! I hate her so much! but I want to be her friend.. what should I do?
I know you asked this question quite some time ago, but I hope you find friendship, both old and new. =o)
if she chose a guy over you, then i guess shes not a very good friend so you should stop crying and find better friends. and she probably wont like this guy forever so when hes gone, she wont have him or you. so then she’ll be the one that feels low. not you.
Okay, if you don’t wanna be friends with her, then don’t be friends with her. And you should NEVER have told her to choose between you and her boyfriend. And, if you do want to be her friend, then just be her friend. And try it without the drama. And talk to her about how you feel. That will help. Try to just be her friend and try not to get involved with her personal life. I know she’s your friend and you care about her, but that might just be what you have to do.
drama if you dont want to be friends with her, whyd you bother texting her in the first place? talk to her about it. stop complaining =]
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