My ex has a girlfriend, how do I get him back?

I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 months ago, but now I want him back. He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend, but I am willing to give up everything that I have to get him back. He was my soulmate and best friend, and I miss the connection that we had. Any suggestions on how to get him back?

Answer #1

im going though the same exact thing right now. we dated for four years, and I broke it off with him because I was curious of what it felt like to be single again, it feels wrong to want him back after 6mos.(same as your situation) but I litterally cryed mmyself to sleep for the past week, I dont have a boyfriend, but he has a girlfriend. He talks and flirts with me but hes not breaking up with her, I dont know what to do

Answer #2

You cant just dump someone and then expect to get them back whenever you want! If he was your soulmate and best friend, you wouldnt have dumped him in the first place, and got yourself a new bf!! He has a gf, you need to respect that, and leave him alone!

Answer #3


Answer #4

Hello, My name is Kianne, and I’ve been quite interested in this post for some time. This situation is one that I am currently experiencing, with a little worse attitude: my boy broke up with me on Wednesday and two days later my best friend was going out with him. Imagine the hurt! I spurted raspberry fizzy drink into his eyes and cracked my best friend across the head with a geography book (I recommend not doing that; it’s a waste of soft drink and takes print off your book).

He forgave me and said he deserved that. He did. But my friend said, with a smile (that hurt), ‘I feel really bad now.’ But did she? Nope.

Anyway, the first step to getting your ex back is giving him some space to move. After all, if you seem needy or clingy he won’t like it, not at all. Try to show him (without telling him that you are showing him) how much fun you had together and try to re-piece your ‘Puzzle of Love’. Think about what attracted him to you in the first place.

Wear nice clothes that look good on you. Don’t be afraid to ask for opinions. Treat his girlfriend as you would treat a best friend, because you know what? Your ex-boyfriend sees you hanging out with her, joking and laughing, you’ve as good as won a ticket into his heart!

Remember why you loved him and question yourself: does this have a positive outcome?

If it does, ask yourself how you feel about him now. Do you feel as though you need him desperately… or do you realize that you just want to be friends?

Answer #5

I’m going through the same thing. My ex-boyfriend cheated on me for 3 months. I broke up with him, then he tried to kill himself, found him in the hospital, followed me everywhere in the world. Chased me for 2 years, I shut the door in his face every single time. But also go back to him, when I feel lonely or miss his presence. He came to see me in london, we’ve been intimate, he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend again. I said no because I was expecting a guy coming over in a few weeks that I really liked. Now he has a new girlfriend, he doesn’t love her he says. He loves me. Now I start to realise I want him back. He says I need to wait 5 days, because they work together in a show, and he can only break up with her after the show, to protect the group. I called him just now, he’s with her.. It’s killing me. I know he loves me so much. Do I just want him back because he has another girl, or do I really realise it’s him I love? Please help me?

Answer #6

I am experiencing the same thing right now. My ex and I were together for almost 4 years and we split about 3 weeks ago. a few days later, he started seeing this girl that I had previously asked him about. He said it was nothing, that they were just friends. He maintains that he never cheated on me, and I really do believe him. However, a few days into their relationship she left for Europe. For 12 days we saw eachother every day, and acted like we were still a couple. Yes, we even slept together multiple times. He repeatedly told me that he still has strong feelings for me. And that one day, maybe even soon if I get my things worked out we can try to make things work again but no promises. 2 nights ago he told me he loved me, and that he ever stopped. She got home last night and he picked her up from the airport. After which he took her home. Late last night he picked me up, and we went to his place, and talked a bit, and then were intimate. Today he called me as soon as he woke up, and he calls me every day and every night. He is really a great person. He tells me that right now she makes him happy. And that its not serious, that they both just have been hurt before and want someone to make them feel better. He is with her right now. And I want him back so badly. I know the things that I do that drive him crazy. And I am trying so hard to prove to him that I am and can be the person that he fell in love with. However he is still not convinced. I also need some advice. But I will tell you this. Give him a little space, let him call you, do not suffocate him, because that is what I did that broke us up. Let him know how you feel, but do not be mean. Show him you care, and that you are the better person for him.

Answer #7

I am going through the same thing…but I don’t have anyone right now. We went on a “break” from each other.. and in that time he was with someone else and decided to tell me that he has a new girlfriend… and it kind of “just happened”.. I guess these things happen. I personally believe that you should leave him be for a bit. Being with this other person will give him a new experience and maybe let him sort out his feelings… he very well may be back to you but he may not too. I think you need to protect yourself in this sense and just stay away because if anything that will make him realize even more that he has lost you. If you keep contacting him, he will believe that you are still there. You need to make him think you are GONE. Good luck. I know it hurts… but sometimes it can’t get any worse.. only better. You must believe that to be true to move on either way.

Answer #8

I know exactly what your going through.. My ex boyfriend dumped me because I acted “like I didn’t want to be with him.” Which is total BS, but when I would get around him I would be so shy and my heart would jump in my chest and I wouldn’t know what to say, we talked sometimes, but he said he was shy too, so I mean I thought everything would get better, well he broke up with me, and it hurt. Then I asked him IF I would EVER get a second chance, and his exact words were, “I don’t know Maybe” then I told him the next day that this girl named Janice liked him. (BIGGEST MISTAKE!) & He said he liked her as a “friend.” Then guess what they go out now, I cried, like forever. & then I texted him say hey, whats up. & then I said I’m happy for you and janice and he said I think your lien but it don’t matter, anyways whats up? I like this guy sooo much he’s blind to think I don’t. I need some advice, please someone help me.. :/

Answer #9

im going through the same thing. me and my boyfriend really loved each other, but after a myspace issue he didnt trust me. we broke up and after a lot of convincing he took me back. things were going cool but he was still paranoid and couldnt get the myspace situation out of his head. turns out today that we broke up and decided to stay friends. try to be friends with your ex. after all, isnt that how everything started out? you guys being friends? after that he might fall in love with you again. good luck!

Answer #10

I know the feeling. its hard. there was this guy that I was talking to for a while. but I blew it. we were gonna go out but I was stupid and said some thing I shouldnt have. now he has a girlfriend hes “in love” with. but the best thing to do is talk to him and if he doesnt wanna get back, dont get too upset, just stay strong and get back in the game.

Answer #11

kennedy if you have a problem with my ADVICE just keep it to yourself!! I am being truthful, and i HAVE been there, so dont you dare judge me!!! If she wants him, go and get him? HE ALREADY HAS A GF!!! You dont go around dumping someone, get yourself a new bf, then when you decide you want your ex back after 6 mos. just go and interfere in his new life? Did you or her ever stop to think what he might have gone through when she dumped him? Maybe he doesnt want her back for fear she might do it again to him! Sometimes we make mistakes that we sometimes regret, but thats a part of life. Its how we learn! *If he hasnt given you any signs that he wants you back…leave him alone!

Answer #12

I am going through the same thing right now. After a long long time of dating we went on a break and I hooked up with a random guy. I have never told my Ex a lie and had to explain to him what happened. it ended our relationship. 6 months laterr after not talking or anything I was feeeling horrible and missed him so badly so apologized for everything that happened. I had a boyfriend when I apologized and realized that really I was still in love with my ex. we are back to being “best friends” but he has a girlfriend. I realize how much I love him and how much I had taken him for granted and want to get him back. what should I do? Help please (:

Answer #13

things for me are way different. me and my first boyfriend were together for 7 months. then got scared that I’d be stuck with him forever. we clicked so well I really really really loved him. when I broke up with him he cried and refused to eat. he dropped 30 pounds and had to go to therapy. he couln’t even look at me. we didn’t speak untill that summer when he told me my boyfiend was cheating on me and he was right. we had to be around eachother all the time for marching band so one night he was giving me a ride home and we stopped to talk before I went home. I still loved him and we started dating again. then later that summer. after a two week trip we took together. I told him he needed to find himself. so we took a break. he started drinking and doing pot. yet I got back with him. then I found out he cheated on me. I ended it. then in the school year we started to talk again because I really needed a ride home from school because I tore my akilles tendon and couldn’t get on the bus. but I had a boyfriend. I said we needed to hang in public not alone and he flipped out. now I can’t get him off my brain. and again we are on a fiendly basis. we are both seeing other people but his girlfriend is my best friend. but they are only together for the sex. we were together for the love. and my boyfriend is great but he’s not my ex. the boy I gave my heart to and never got back

Answer #14

im going through a situation a little different, I fell pregnant and had whooping cough and nearly died twice he didnt know I wass pregnant and I got depressed because I had to terminate it, I know now I should have told him been broken up 3 months now started talking slightly but he told me that hes been dating a girl a week after we broke up, he came around to my house and told me he might probably commit to a relationship with her.. he is 30 she is 18.. but he said to me she has a potential to be a slut!!! I love him all my heart and I asked him if he had feelings he told me he doesnt know.. and doesnt wanna let me in yet! but his body language states otherwise… what should I do?? what does this mean?? he wrote a txt saying he would be out my way for next couple of weeks and said he is sure we will catch up over the next few weeks.. whats catch up? a check up at date or what??

Answer #15

I understand what you are going through, I have the same issue right now. I want my ex back after 5-51/2 years later. The problem is he has a girlfriend and they live together. He knows that I still love him, he has even told someone I know that he still loves me, and want to be with me. Its hard when you love someone, and there is something standing between you two. What suggest is that you take your time and play every card you are dealt with the right way.The no matter what happens you know that you did your very best. I now have to deal with the fact that he is willing to dump his girl for me. I love him so much I am willing to just leave it alone, to spare everyones feelings.Sometimes its not just about your feelings.

Answer #16

we dated for four years and then he broke up with me on our 4 yr anniversary. we loved each other, but I think he loved me more than I loved him. I now wish I had treated him better and didn’t take everything as granted; however, it’s too late now.

he is in love with another girl, and he seems very happy with his new life. I told myself that if I love him, I should let him go. I tired, but I didn’t know it’s so hard to forget about him. he wanted to be friends after we broke up, but I didn’t want to because I wanted to be his girlfriend and couldn’t handle him loving someone else.

I sometimes think we are still gonna get back together, and what’s happening now is only temporary. we used to love each other very much. I started to write journals. it makes me feel better.

however, I think I blew it up again bc I started to text him recently. he replied, but he seemed relunctant to reply. I don’t know what to do either..

Answer #17

Angelfire 2708 and Kennedy both have good points. but what you have to do, is follow your heart. ask urself: what do YOU want to do? if you really miss him, and everytime you close your eyes, you see him, then you prbly love him. but you should take some time to think about it. because you dont want your heart or his heart to get broken again. I hope it works out :’(

Answer #18

lol anyways .. if your in a relationship and your not happy with your boyfriend and you want someone else or not then thats your right .. break up with your boyfriend tell him you rather break up with him then to stay with him and cheat on him and as for getting your ex back wear something cute show a “LIL” skin not to much and hang with him alone for a while be happy and laugh a lot remind him why he liked you and if he cares about you and still thinks about you the way you thik and care about him things will work themselves out and if he doesnt get the point call or im or write him a message sayin you still have intrest in him and if hes not willing to give his currrent relationship up then when hes single or lonely to give you a call

Answer #19

I agree with kennedy. some things happen and there’s nothing you could do stop them then. but I’m in the same position and my ex has a new girlfriend. I want him back but I don’t know how to do it. and I don’t want to be a home wr4cker

Answer #20

Thers no way you can get him back if he feels the same way about this new girl as what you do about him, I would ring him but do it on the sly because if he’s not interested any more it will show you right up pet.

Answer #21

I know it’s a hard thing to do, when people tell you to just forget about someone you once loved and would have given anything to be with, But trying to forget about someone you once loved is like trying to forget about someone you never knew/ If this guy truly loves you and is willing to put forth the effort in seeing you and still talking to you, then I would go after him. But not so fast that your going to get your heart broken again, I mean after all He does have a new life and who knows, Maybe he is meant to be with this new girl he has.

Answer #22

you see im the opposite of you girls…I cheated onmy boyfriend I have had for almost 3 years with a mexican who didnt speak my language yeah iknow dumb…but the question is why did I do and what was I thinking. I HAVE NO IDEA! BUT ilove him more than anything and I would give him everything. all I want is my baby kaleb back in my life so I can be happy once again. but theres one problem I hurt him really bad and he already has a new girlfriend but he told me if I ever need anything to give him a call and hell be there. girls it might be just me but thats the type of man you want in your life. I dont know how to get him back can you guys hel;p me?

Answer #23

I got back with my ex and im very happy thanks to [link removed]

Answer #24

Am Anita from Canada i want to share my life experience to every body on this site.i was in a serious relationship with mike i love him so much we have dated for almost 6 years now.until he meant another girl called charity he told me that he is know longer interested in dating me any more. i was so confuse i don’t know what to i told my friend about what my love just told me and he told me that she can solve my problem i was doubting her how can that be she directed me to a spell caster called Dr i contacted him and i explain every thing to him and he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back to me begging me on his knees on the ground asking me to forgive him.Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact him @ ACOGBESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM you ca fined me in facebook and as me more about him. my facebook name is Mike Anita, search for me and i will tell you more????

Answer #25

Am Anita from Canada i want to share my life experience to every body on this site.i was in a serious relationship with mike i love him so much we have dated for almost 6 years now.until he meant another girl called charity he told me that he is know longer interested in dating me any more. i was so confuse i don’t know what to i told my friend about what my love just told me and he told me that she can solve my problem i was doubting her how can that be she directed me to a spell caster called Dr i contacted him and i explain every thing to him and he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back to me begging me on his knees on the ground asking me to forgive him.Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact him @ ACOGBESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM you ca fined me in facebook and as me more about him. my facebook name is Mike Anita, search for me and i will tell you more????

Answer #26

Am Anita from Canada i want to share my life experience to every body on this site.i was in a serious relationship with mike i love him so much we have dated for almost 6 years now.until he meant another girl called charity he told me that he is know longer interested in dating me any more. i was so confuse i don’t know what to i told my friend about what my love just told me and he told me that she can solve my problem i was doubting her how can that be she directed me to a spell caster called Dr i contacted him and i explain every thing to him and he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back to me begging me on his knees on the ground asking me to forgive him.Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact him @ ACOGBESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM you ca fined me in facebook and as me more about him. my facebook name is Mike Anita, search for me and i will tell you more????

Answer #27

My name is Annie, i want o share my testimony about the good work of Dr Lawrees, I was in am relationship for the pass five years and it was very successful until my boyfriend went out one day with his friend, then after he has come back by evening i welcome him we both hung each other kill and lot more, then the next day morning he said he is was going to the shop, i said okay then he left for the shop not knowing that he did not go to the shop but went to his friend place who told him that i am not good for him that he should look for another girlfriend, when i was in the class receiving lectures i receive a call from my brother opposite to the house were his friend rented that he saw my boyfriend with a girl coming out of his friend room i hardly believe it cause i trusted him so much, really after the lecture i rush down to his friend house i found out the my boy friend was having sex with another girl which his friend chooses for him , then i went away from there with tears on my eye i could not resist it cause i love him like never before, i never love a man like that before, then i tried to stop him for going to the friend house but he turn against me and sent me away from his house, calling me all sot of names, then i have no were to go to cause i am an orphan, i went to my course mate house, i stay they for the past 8 month but still it was hardly for me to stop thinking of him i was almost frustrated all because i am thinking of him, i said to myself i can not resist it any more, i most get to the end of this, then i beg my friend to please introduce me to any of the spell caster she know about, then she introduce me to one spell caster called Dr agbala, i do not know that he can not even do any thing but just to eat up my money and run away, them i said since Dr agbala can not bring him back that means i can get him again, my friend again introduce me to one other spell caster, his name is Dr Lawrees i don know this man was gos sent to me to save my life, then i told him everything that is going on then he said that my boyfriend is been arrested by another spell caster which the other of his girl friend went to meet, then he said that is noting that he will bring him back within 2 to 3 days, but i hardly believe him cause i have contacted another spell caster nothing was done, really after he has commence on my spell work my run away lover called me at night and start begging on the phone that i should please forgive him that he did not know what he was doing that is the reason why he drove me out of the house, then i have no choice than to forgive him, then i forgive him ever since then we have been together with love cares, everything and he even propose a marriage to me now, please you need to try and help me to thank this man, and also if you have any type of problem please don not hesitate to contact him immediately cause he is God sent, him contact detail is: please you need to contact him now on:

Answer #28

My name is Annie, i want o share my testimony about the good work of Dr Lawrees, I was in am relationship for the pass five years and it was very successful until my boyfriend went out one day with his friend, then after he has come back by evening i welcome him we both hung each other kill and lot more, then the next day morning he said he is was going to the shop, i said okay then he left for the shop not knowing that he did not go to the shop but went to his friend place who told him that i am not good for him that he should look for another girlfriend, when i was in the class receiving lectures i receive a call from my brother opposite to the house were his friend rented that he saw my boyfriend with a girl coming out of his friend room i hardly believe it cause i trusted him so much, really after the lecture i rush down to his friend house i found out the my boy friend was having sex with another girl which his friend chooses for him , then i went away from there with tears on my eye i could not resist it cause i love him like never before, i never love a man like that before, then i tried to stop him for going to the friend house but he turn against me and sent me away from his house, calling me all sot of names, then i have no were to go to cause i am an orphan, i went to my course mate house, i stay they for the past 8 month but still it was hardly for me to stop thinking of him i was almost frustrated all because i am thinking of him, i said to myself i can not resist it any more, i most get to the end of this, then i beg my friend to please introduce me to any of the spell caster she know about, then she introduce me to one spell caster called Dr agbala, i do not know that he can not even do any thing but just to eat up my money and run away, them i said since Dr agbala can not bring him back that means i can get him again, my friend again introduce me to one other spell caster, his name is Dr Lawrees i don know this man was gos sent to me to save my life, then i told him everything that is going on then he said that my boyfriend is been arrested by another spell caster which the other of his girl friend went to meet, then he said that is noting that he will bring him back within 2 to 3 days, but i hardly believe him cause i have contacted another spell caster nothing was done, really after he has commence on my spell work my run away lover called me at night and start begging on the phone that i should please forgive him that he did not know what he was doing that is the reason why he drove me out of the house, then i have no choice than to forgive him, then i forgive him ever since then we have been together with love cares, everything and he even propose a marriage to me now, please you need to try and help me to thank this man, and also if you have any type of problem please don not hesitate to contact him immediately cause he is God sent, him contact detail is: please you need to contact him now on:

Answer #29

My super testimony, my name is Ashanti, i live in UK, i was having a very dangerous disease which normally kill people called HIV/AID, i contact the HIV from my boyfriend, i was having this disease for the past 5 months no now and no one was able to help me out, until i came to know of one man called Dr Lawrees, he is a great man that help me to cure my HIV/AID all thanks goes to Dr Lawrees, went he commence a spell cast on me ofter three day later i went back to the hospital for a test and the doctor confirm that it is a HIV/NEGATIVE that i don longer have HIV again, all thanks goes to Dr Lawrees again please this man can as well help you cure all type of sickness and diseases, you need to contact him now, his email is: contact him now for your own good.

Answer #30

I am marcy i live in usa i want to thank this man for help me to get my ex back within 24hour this was how this great man help me to get my ex back i was in love with him for more than 4 years we live happily so this year on this month jenuary he now told that he was tried with me so that i should live him that he did not love me so i crying i told that i love him he say no that i should live him so i was now contacting some spelll caster who scam me oneday i listing to the radio when i heard a woman give thanks to this great man that help her so the next time was listen to the radio a heard many people give testimony to this man so one of the woman said that this man does not use black magic that man use God power to help people with there relationship the station now give the email of this great man i contact him so when i now contact him he told me that my ex is going to come to me in the next 24hours at first i did not believe him i was thing that he want to scam me so an how can be this be possible so to my greatest surprise in the next 24hours i saw my ex in my house pleading to me that i should forgive him i now forgive now we are happy now thank to dr ogogodu for help me my ex now want to marry me and he buy me a new car so if you need is help and you have problem of relationship and you want to give testimony like me or may be you have be look for a real spell caster contact dr ogogodu this is email or or you can call with this number +2348078999655 thanks dr ogogodu

Answer #31

My ex split up with me 2 months ago and I have been trying to get him back since and he has went no contact and just ignores me constantly I have pleaded and begged in texts messages for him to contact me but he wont, I want him back we where in a long distance relationship, I cry myself to sleep all the time yet he just ignores me and gets on with his life like I didn’t exist , we where a couple for over a year, I tried my best to get him back but not was working out until I found a spell caster who help me and he cast a love spell for which I use in getting back my ex Email SPELLCASTTEMPLE4@GMAIL.COM I will not stop publishing your name because you are great for helping people. And you can fined me on my face book mike Anita

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