My Ex- Friend

my ex friend stole a ring of mine and wasnt gonna give it back- what should I do? btw my other friend found out and got it back from her and gave it to me. also my ex friend always burps in my face(discusting), kicks me really hard( then laughs), and hits me. please give me advice.

Answer #1

I wouldn’t be friends with someone that hits me and then laughs about it, steals from me etc…

No, I wouldn’t want to be friends with her anymore if I were you.

Answer #2

she seems evil and you shouldnt be frends with her. Let other people no what she’s done to u, so they can stay away from her aswell

Answer #3

if shes being like that to you dont be friends with her hit her back show her shes pathetic and that you dont care.

Answer #4

I dont know if I should still be friends with her or not.

Answer #5

I dont get what your asking advice for please explain because I thought you go the ring back

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