My dog is less happy

I got a new dog and it fights with my old my old dog is more sad than she used to be.I do not want to seperate them.What do I do?

Answer #1

dont seperate them, I just recently had the same problem. make sure to pay attention to both dogs and just keep them together, they’ll get use to each other trust me, I live in a 3 story house and my older dog couldnt even be on the same floor as the other dog, after about a week an a half the two are now inseperable!

Answer #2

My cat was like that after I brought a kitten home. Pay attention to the new one like you would any other one, but if youre like me and spoil your animals or talk to them.. or whatever it is that you may do.. do a little more of it with the old one. It took him awhile, but he came around and theyre used to each other. They might still fight a good bit, but it should calm down.

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